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Bug 39785 - mozilla 1.6 crashes on address inserting
Summary: mozilla 1.6 crashes on address inserting
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 All
: Highest minor
Assignee: Mozilla Gentoo Team
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Reported: 2004-01-29 11:31 UTC by Valerio
Modified: 2004-04-26 09:20 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Valerio 2004-01-29 11:31:25 UTC
when i try to insert an address in my mozilla 1.6 (final version) i get mozilla autokill himself. if i re-open it, the problem flees...
i've another little troble with mozilla 1.6:
if i start it by my xfce4 startbar (or by my shortcut on logitech keyboard) it doesn't run at the first time, i need to push the key 2 times :-/

i've get it compiled with -O1, with others CFLAGS it doesn't compile :
Comment 1 Valerio 2004-01-29 11:31:25 UTC
when i try to insert an address in my mozilla 1.6 (final version) i get mozilla autokill himself. if i re-open it, the problem flees...
i've another little troble with mozilla 1.6:
if i start it by my xfce4 startbar (or by my shortcut on logitech keyboard) it doesn't run at the first time, i need to push the key 2 times :-/

i've get it compiled with -O1, with others CFLAGS it doesn't compile :°
Comment 2 Aron Griffis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-19 19:41:12 UTC
Sounds like you're reporting three different problems, right?

1. Inserting an address, mozilla crashes.  What do you mean by "insert an address"?  Are you talking about mail or about pasting an URL or about typing something in the location bar?

2. Regarding the xfce4 startbar problem, please try starting mozilla from a terminal.  If that works then the problem is xfce4, and we'll need you to file a separate bug report.

3. Regarding -O1, the mozilla ebuilds automatically restrict your CFLAGS to appropriate ones.  Is that what you mean?
Comment 3 Valerio 2004-04-20 03:42:39 UTC

1) the problems presents when inserting manually an URL, not when pasting it. this trouble it's only present where compiling mozilla from sources... i also heard about firefox doing the same problem (i saw in the forums), so i now use firefox-bin and it runs smoothly (mozilla-bin runs well too, without this URL-problem)

3) yes i'm intended to say this... i can't compile mozilla with other flags than -O1 (it's the ebuild that restrict to this)

2) mmm starting it from a terminal make all go well... but this is the only program that gives me such a problem... i can't help you more.. i now use kde :-/
Comment 4 Aron Griffis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-26 09:20:57 UTC
Regarding #1, best I can suggest is the following.  It seems to solve a lot of mozilla problems.  I definitely haven't seen the problem you're describing.

sudo emerge -C mozilla
mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/mozilla
sudo emerge mozilla

If that doesn't solve the problem, I don't know what to do, sorry.  Please re-open this bug if you can track the problem down further.