1. Rationale This system is inspired by Debian's popularity-contest package (http://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/popularity-contest.html) with some important enhancements. The key idea is to provide means for the Gentoo community to account the most used packages, hardware configurations, kernel versions, compile flags and profiles. Additionaly, this system aims to provide the following advantages: - Allow the creation of CD layouts which include the most used packages for each profile - Allow the developers to investigate the most used configurations, and focus on them for setting priorities, documentation, standard kernel configurations, etc. - Give some figures about the number of active users in the community 2. Description The system comprises of 2 subsistems: - A client-side system that runs periodically through cron to grab information from users' configurations and post them to the server system trhough HTTP. This system does not require any user intervention beyond the initial configuration. - A server-side system running on the gentoo.org domain capable of receiving the information provided by the users, store them on a database and create statistics with them. Also, it provides a web front-end to query the database. The following information will be processed by the system: - Packages installed, including their versions (as in `qpkg -nc -I -v` from the gentoolkit package) - Flags in make.conf (as in `egrep "^(USE|CHOST|CFLAGS|CXXFLAGS)" /etc/make.conf`) - CPU info (as in `egrep "^(model name|cpu MHz)" /proc/cpuinfo`) - System memory (as in `egrep "^MemTotal:" /proc/meminfo`) - PCI devices (as in `lspci | colrm 1 8 | sed 's/\(.*\)(.*/\1/'` from the pciutils package) - USB devices (as in `lsusb | grep iProduct | colrm 1 28` from the usbutils packages) - Kernel version (as in `uname -r`) - Profile being used (as in `ls -ld /etc/make.profile | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'`) In the client side, the procedure to provide data for the system is the following: - User emerge the package, which: - Sets a crontab entry to let the system run periodically, possibly requiring user intervention to specify when the system should run - Points to an URL (in the gentoo.org domain) for signup - User go to the provided url, which requests the e-mail from the user, and that the user transcribe a random 4-letters message shown as an image to a text box. These requirements are used to ensure, as long as possible, the autenticity of the data and to avoid automated signups - The server-side system will e-mail the user with a key, which must be placed in the config file - To post the information to the server-side system, the client-side system can use the proxy settings defined on /etc/make.conf - In the first set of data the server-side system receives, it will e-mail a message to the user to let him know the system is running fine Note that it is not guaranteed the system will have internet connectivity when it gets run. In this case, it may keep periodically checking in the background for a route to the server. The following vars can be set on the config file: - Key: as discussed above - Acknowlege flag: send an e-mail to the user every time a set of data from him is processed (defaults to false)
Hi Rufiao. Sorry for the long silence. This ebuild was assigned to me during the feature freeze and later I saw this being worked on, so I was happily busy with other bugs. We now have gentoo-stats system in portage, that quite closely matches what you described here. (or was this what actually initiated gentoo-stats? May be not as much this bug as the corresponding thread on -dev mailing list? I seem to remember one). I'll ask its maintainer to take a look at this submission. Maik: I see you are maintaining the gentoo-stats package (at least looks this way from ChangeLog) and its moved along a long way :). Could you please take a look at this bug - you might find few more usefull suggestions. Anyway it would probably make more sence for you to own this bug if you don't mind, as I am not really taking care of such stuff. George
Just wondering what's happening with this?
Hi guys. >Just wondering what's happening with this? Well, not that much have been lately, but I see gentoo-stats has been restarted. So I am going to reassign it to the -stats people, as they are probably ones the most interested. Meir: looks like you are taking care of gentoo-stats now. Would you mind taking this bug then? (it essentially consists of a few suggestions). George
Yes, looks like it falls in -stats realm, so one more thing for the giant TODO list ;-)
reassigning then ;).
And just another reassign, as this request will be handled by the rewrite of stats that is currently done by pyrania.
and yet another reassign because currently genone is working on it...
*** Bug 180820 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 62914 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is there an ebuild that this bug is about?