# Copyright 2002 # <bnl@eecs.berkeley.edu> S=${WORKDIR}/${P} DESCRIPTION="X background changer" SRC_URI="http://chbg.sourceforge.net/sw/${P}.tgz" HOMEPAGE="http://chbg.sourceforge.net" DEPEND=">=x11-base/xfree-4.1.0 virtual/glibc >=media-libs/libpng-1.0 >=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2" src_compile() { local myconf myconf="--disable-gnome --disable-eterm" ./configure ${myconf} --host=${CHOST} --prefix=/usr || die "Failed configure." emake || die "Failed to build package." } src_install() { dobin src/chbg insinto /usr/share/pixmaps doins chbg_64x64.xpm dodoc AUTHORS BUGS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS TODO dodoc xscreensaver-howto.txt xscreensaver.txt }
The header on this ebuild assigning copyright to yourself and mentioning what license this is under could be why no one has moved on this package yet... Could you please clarify it?
No word from author after a week+... marking as LATER and closing bug Please resubmit if your interested in having the package added to gentoo
Zombie bug. The software is a gtk 1.x app that hasn't been maintained in over a year and doesn't look like its worth the effort to package. Unless someone wants to contribute an updated version with a GPL header this is INVALID.