net-print/hplip cannot meet depends for >=net-print/cups-1.4.6 as cups ebuilds now mask net-print/cupsddk. hplip needs cupsddk. Reproducible: Always (I heard somewhere on a Gentoo Bug report, cups split usb drivers from the core cups package. However, there's yet to be an ebuild to satisfy the cups usb drivers?)
Please attach full build.log and show emerge --info output
cups-1.4.6-r2.ebuild: RDEPEND="!net-print/cupsddk" hplip-3.1*.ebuild: RDEPEND="!static-ppds? ( || ( >=net-print/cups-1.4.0 net-print/cupsddk ) ) net-print/hplip (X hpcups scanner snmp -acl -doc -fax -hpijs -kde -libnotify -minimal -parport -policykit -qt4 -static-ppds) It looks as if hplip ebuild USE option "static-ppds" is turned-off by default. Once turned on, the emerge world continues successfully. To fix, turn-on "static-ppds" on by default with the hplip ebuilds.
Please post the full output from emerge -pv net-print/hplip, along with emerge --info as previously requested.