Hi, this util looks sweet... Radek P.
Htbgui depends on iNet Factory which is avalivable on non-zero price. IMHO It doesn't really make sense to include such software in gentoo. Moreover, htbgui is a documentational and licensional mess (hard to tell who wrote what). This software needs complete rewrite (without inet factory[1]), cleanup, proper credits, deletion of 3rd party code from tarball and so on. Please urge author to do so. I propose to change status of this bug to WONTFIX. [1] javamail and mysql are also imho completly useless.
OK, if you say so, I'll believe that (never studied that deeply)... ...so sorry for wasting your time... ...close it as WONTFIX. Radek
I do agree that the utility does indeed look sweet (presumably there are English menus as well). However, the dependency on inetfactory makes it troublesome to include. If you can provide an ebuild for inetfactory where we are allowed to redistribute the jar file on our mirrors, I'll definitely reconsider this, but for now, we have heaploads of open source java projects that need our attention, and far to little manpower to cover it all:(