Every so often, I get this * IMPORTANT: 2 config files in '/etc/portage' need updating. /etc/portage/package.use -x11-libs/qt:3 sqlite +# move x11-libs/qt x11-libs/qt-meta +x11-libs/qt-meta:3 sqlite /etc/portage/package.unmask -<x11-libs/qt-4 +# move x11-libs/qt x11-libs/qt-meta +<x11-libs/qt-meta-4 I have qt3 ebuilds in an overlay, and having to do this every other week is getting a bit annoying. I could rename the qt3 ebuild to qt-meta I suppose, but shouldn't this rename only happen once at most?
Do you mean that portage wants to rename qt to qt-meta and then qt-meta back to qt?
I mean that portage wants to rename qt to qt-meta. The name of the package is just "qt" though.
That's correct. We renamed x11-libs/qt:4 to x11-libs/qt-meta some time ago.
could you please read my bug report before closing it?
I've already read it. Ok, I'll leave this open for the other team members to comment, but I don't think we can do anything for qt:3. And I remind you that overlays are not supported.
I don't think this is really a problem for the qt team, but more for portage, I don't know who to assign it to exactly though, I originally submitted it as "other" or something to that effect. If they don't want to change anything, I'll shut up and rename my ebuild. :)
personally i don't think there is a bug here. The overlay maintainers just have to pkgmove x11-libs/qt to x11-libs/qt-meta as the Qt team did with the in-tree ebuild. Anyway, I'm reassigning it to portage team and let them decide
For reference, the relevant code is the _config_repo_match function shown here: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/portage.git;a=blob;f=pym/portage/_global_updates.py;h=868d1ee80726ce9ef38768a4bceb4c730d17f479;hb=HEAD#l187 The way that it works is to apply updates from gentoo's repo if the overlay does not have a profiles/updates directory. So, if you simply create a profiles/updates directory in the overlay, gentoo's updates will not be applied to x11-libs/qt if it happens to be installed from your overlay.
Aha, thanks.