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Bug 35609 - IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild
Summary: IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Danny van Dyk (RETIRED)
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-12-11 09:18 UTC by Jeremy Warren
Modified: 2006-06-05 17:12 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Ebuild for IFC 8.0.034 (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.21 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-11 09:19 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/05icc-ifc (05icc-ifc,308 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-11 09:19 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/ifc (ifc,143 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-11 09:20 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/ifort (ifort,143 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-11 09:21 UTC, Jeremy Warren
Fix for old environment variable file (05ifc,184 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-11 09:33 UTC, Jeremy Warren
Updated Ebuild for IFC (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.39 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-13 21:49 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/05icc-ifc (05icc-ifc,214 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-13 21:51 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/ifc (ifc,158 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-13 21:51 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/ifort (ifort,158 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-13 21:52 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/05icc-ifc (05icc-ifc,216 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-13 21:54 UTC, Jeremy Warren
New IFC 8.0 ebuild (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.39 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-13 22:02 UTC, Jeremy Warren
IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild with support for conf.d configuration file (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.53 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-17 08:09 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/iccifc (iccifc,868 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-17 08:10 UTC, Jeremy Warren
/usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc/files/8.0.034/iccifc.conf (iccifc.conf,868 bytes, text/plain)
2003-12-18 10:40 UTC, Jeremy Warren
IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild with modified configuration file support (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.53 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-18 10:41 UTC, Jeremy Warren
ebuild (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.49 KB, text/plain)
2004-01-13 08:42 UTC, Tobias Heinemann
ebuild (ifc-8.0.034.ebuild,3.03 KB, text/plain)
2004-01-18 05:55 UTC, Tobias Heinemann

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:18:48 UTC
Ebuild for IFC 8.0.034

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:  
Properly emerges IFC 8.0
Comment 1 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:19:30 UTC
Created attachment 22045 [details]
Ebuild for IFC 8.0.034
Comment 2 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:19:53 UTC
Created attachment 22046 [details]
Comment 3 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:20:20 UTC
Created attachment 22047 [details]
Comment 4 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:21:42 UTC
Created attachment 22048 [details]

Starting with 8.0, the binary driver for IFC is no longer called "ifcbin",
rather it is "ifortbin".  This file fixes the "ifort" script located in the
bin/ directory to do the same thing that the ifc script does.
Comment 5 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-11 09:33:24 UTC
Created attachment 22050 [details]
Fix for old environment variable file
Comment 6 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 21:49:21 UTC
Created attachment 22173 [details]
Updated Ebuild for IFC

Fixes path to /opt/intel/compiler80
Comment 7 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 21:51:07 UTC
Created attachment 22174 [details]
Comment 8 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 21:51:33 UTC
Created attachment 22175 [details]
Comment 9 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 21:52:00 UTC
Created attachment 22176 [details]
Comment 10 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 21:54:41 UTC
Created attachment 22177 [details]

Fixes path error
Comment 11 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-13 22:02:07 UTC
Created attachment 22179 [details]
New IFC 8.0 ebuild

Fixes path typo.
Comment 12 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-17 08:09:05 UTC
Created attachment 22353 [details]
IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild with support for conf.d configuration file

This ebuild now installs into /etc/conf.d a file called "iccifc" which contains
compiler flags and settings for the ICC and IFC compilers for use in ebuilds.
Comment 13 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-17 08:10:01 UTC
Created attachment 22354 [details]

/etc/conf.d configuration file which contains ICC & IFC compiler settings for
use in ebuilds.
Comment 14 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-18 10:40:54 UTC
Created attachment 22415 [details]

This file replaces the iccifc configuration file, and now exists as
Comment 15 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-18 10:41:39 UTC
Created attachment 22416 [details]
IFC 8.0.034 Ebuild with modified configuration file support
Comment 16 Jeremy Warren 2003-12-18 11:00:57 UTC
Sorry about it being in LiveCD.  I have moved it to Gentoo Ebuilds.
Comment 17 Tobias Heinemann 2004-01-13 08:42:40 UTC
Created attachment 23740 [details]

Changed the following lines of code in the ebuild:

< for FILE in $(find $SD/bin/ -regex
'.*[ei][cf]p?c$\|.*cfg$\|.*pcl$\|.*vars[^/]*.c?sh$' 2>/dev/null)
< do
<	sed s@\<INSTALLDIR\>@$RD@g ${FILE} > ${FILE}.abs
<	mv -f ${FILE}.abs ${FILE}
<	chmod 755 ${FILE}
< done

> for FILE in $(grep -l "<INSTALLDIR>" *)
> do
>	sed s@\<INSTALLDIR\>@$RD@g ${FILE} > ${FILE}.abs
>	chmod --reference=${FILE} ${FILE}.abs
>	mv -f ${FILE}.abs ${FILE}
> done

for proper handling of file permissions.
Comment 18 Tobias Heinemann 2004-01-18 05:55:47 UTC
Created attachment 24021 [details]

- cleaned up the ebuild

- fixed some `untagging` related stuff

- removed dependency on virtual/linux-sources

still wondering if their should be a seperate ebuild for the intel debugger
since it is also contained in the icc tarball. currently the debugger is not
installed at all.
Comment 19 Thomas Veith (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-01 00:05:07 UTC
Hi.. is there a reason why this still isnt in portage? I'm using it now since months without problems till now - and icc is already at the 8.0-level.. 
Comment 20 Christopher Ford 2004-04-09 06:47:06 UTC
could you make it depend on rpm2tgz instead of rpm?
Comment 21 Jon Portnoy (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-21 14:10:55 UTC
Unfortunately rpm2targz is much, _much_ slower than using the RPM eclass. We're talking exponentially...
Comment 22 Ben Carrell 2004-04-22 15:08:51 UTC
"rpm2targz is much, _much_ slower"

Are you sure...

genlop -t rpm:
app-arch/rpm-4.2.1 -- merge time: 10 minutes and 48 seconds
app-arch/rpm-4.2.1 -- merge time: 9 minutes and 58 seconds


5 runs of "time rpm2targz intel-ifort8-8.0-40.i386.rpm":
real    0m23.882s
user    0m17.470s
sys     0m1.470s

real    0m24.262s
user    0m17.540s
sys     0m1.500s

real    0m24.008s
user    0m17.570s
sys     0m1.450s

real    0m23.740s
user    0m17.580s
sys     0m1.570s

real    0m22.783s
user    0m17.580s
sys     0m1.450s

Looks to me like rpm2targz is faster for me -- If i am off base on what you were speaking to, please correct me :)
Comment 23 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-22 15:43:24 UTC
There are a couple of flaws in that. First, you need to unpack the tarball after you run rpm2targz on it. Second, you make the assumption that the only time-consuming step in emerging it is the unpacking.
Comment 24 Christopher Ford 2004-08-05 20:53:05 UTC
So why is it that the icc ebuild is now using rpm2tgz?
Comment 25 Anton Starikov 2004-08-30 17:18:59 UTC
Just wonder, why it is not yeat in the portage?
Will we have this version or will wait untill IFC 12.0 ? :)

I guess anyway all, whos use IFC, use this ebuild in local overlay.
Just because linking of bilingual programs (C and Fortran) can be a headache when version of IFC and ICC different.
Comment 26 Bekker 2004-09-08 12:51:03 UTC
I put the provided ebuild file in /usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc.

after emerge ifc I then had to do 

ebuild ifc-8.0.034.ebuild digest
then do emerge ifc again.
Then I created a 06ifc file in /etc/env.d with contents:


finally I had to make a symb link from /opt/intel/compiler80/lib/ 
to /usr/lib

And THEN it worked.

I think the ebuild file needs some more work.
Comment 27 Bekker 2004-09-08 12:53:17 UTC
I put the provided ebuild file in /usr/portage/dev-lang/ifc.

after emerge ifc I had to do 

ebuild ifc-8.0.034.ebuild digest

then do emerge ifc again.

Then I created a 06ifc file in /etc/env.d with contents:


finally I had to make a symb link from /opt/intel/compiler80/lib/ 
to /usr/lib

And THEN it worked.

I think the ebuild file needs some more work. Too much manual tweaking right now.
Comment 28 Danny van Dyk (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-05 17:12:00 UTC
WONTFIX, i won't work on ifc < 9.