sandbox seems to dislike "mount"-command, which breaks installing. Replaced "mount" with "cat /etc/mtab" and adjustet the awk-command does it fine. I'll attach the patch for the ebuild
Created attachment 263053 [details, diff] ebuild patch
really nwn-data should be converted to the existing cdrom funcs in eutils.eclass. they can already handle multiple alternative sets of discs ... simply look at how quake2-data does it.
sounds nice, maybe i can take a look at it next week.
I take it this bug got lost in the sands of time? :-P Can this ebuild be fixed please? Or do I just have to patch it myself on my local tree and get it to install that way?
yes this patch works, so why now one put it in portage ? its some month ago
installation workd fine but if i start the game i get following error: /opt/nwn/nwn: line 63: ./nwmain: No such file or directory
I ran into the same issue as written above. Applied the supplied patch and the installation worked then for me.
Created attachment 286317 [details] Gentoo ebuild nwn-data-1.29-r4 bug output
I worked around this bug by copying the contents of the CDs to /var/tmp directories and setting the CD_ROOT_1..5 env variables. sudo env CD_ROOT_1=/var/tmp/cdroot1 ... emerge nwn nwn-data
Fixed in CVS, thanks to everybody and especially Christian. I'm leaving this bug opened due to SpanKY's comment. I may or may not work on that someday. Sorry about the delay. As surprising as it sounds I did not have hardware powerful enough to run NWN for a long time. Denis.
games-rpg/nw* has been lastrited.