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Bug 353137 - cairo lost its gl pkg-config dep (ddccontrol[gtk] build fails when x11-proto/{glproto,dri2proto} are uninstalled)
Summary: cairo lost its gl pkg-config dep (ddccontrol[gtk] build fails when x11-proto/...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-01-29 12:52 UTC by mjan96
Modified: 2012-01-25 02:41 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

complete build.log for failed build (build.log,34.60 KB, text/plain)
2011-01-29 12:54 UTC, mjan96

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Description mjan96 2011-01-29 12:52:25 UTC
Cannot emerge ddcontrol with gtk useflag if x11-proto/glproto or x11-proto/dri2proto are not installed. 
I'd expect that "emerge app-misc/ddcontrol" would emerge the aforementioned two packages, so I think there is a missing dependecy. 

This is the interesting part of output of ./configure ;
checking for gtk+>=2.4 and gthread>=2.4... Package glproto was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glproto.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'glproto', required by 'gl', not found
Comment 1 mjan96 2011-01-29 12:54:40 UTC
Created attachment 260988 [details]
complete build.log for failed build
Comment 2 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2012-01-25 01:53:06 UTC
not a bug in ddccontrol.  ddccontrol only needs gtk+/gthread.  those packages need other things, but those are the problem of those other packages.

in this case, it seems like it's a matter of:
ddccontrol needs gtk+
gtk+ needs cairo
cairo needs gl
gl needs glproto

whether this is user error or something else, that's prob for the gnome/cairo guys to decide
Comment 3 Alexandre Rostovtsev (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-01-25 02:41:59 UTC
$ equery depgraph --depth=3 =app-misc/ddccontrol-0.4.2 | grep glproto
 [  3]  x11-proto/glproto-1.4.14-r1
$ equery depgraph --depth=3 =app-misc/ddccontrol-0.4.2 | grep dri2proto
 [  3]  x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6

glproto and dri2proto are correctly present as indirect (depth 3) dependencies of ddccontrol; uninstalling them and then trying to install ddccontrol is a user mistake.

To ensure that none of the indirect dependencies of a package that you are building are missing, it is recommended that you use "emerge --deep" instead of just "emerge" (see man emerge for more information). Using --deep is especially important if you have been cleaning up your system by manually unmerging packages that you might have thought were unneeded.