Howdy. I'd like to have every requirement listed on this bug's URL available in Portage. Namely: #superiotool ( svn co svn:// ) #inteltool ( svn co svn:// ) #ectool ( svn co svn:// ) #dmidecode ( cvs -z3 co dmidecode ) #msrtool (svn co svn:// ) #nvramtool ( svn co svn:// ) #flashrom ( svn co svn:// flashrom ) These tools allow the intrepid F/OSS fan to extract information from their device which will tell him/her whether their laptop (or other device) is supportable by Coreboot (aka LinuxBIOS). Some of these tools are in Portage, such as superiotool, dmidecode, flashroom (if that's the same, the SRC URI appears to be different). The others need to be included to allow Gentoo to be a full Coreboot citizen. These tools are also in some cases likely to be useful to aid in better matching Linux kernel configuration to actual hardware. Cheers! Apologies in advance if all of these tools are present in Portage and buried under other packages.
Yeah, superiotool, dmidecode and flashrom are already in the tree. superiotool and flashrom are from coreboot, dmidecode isn't AFAIK. It would be better to file a bug for each of them.
Yeah, please open a separate bug for every tool which is not in gx86, is packaged separately and you'd like it to be added.