abcde depends on id3v2. by now abcde ebuild doesn't require id3v2 for compiling Reproducible: Always
Please attach the failing build log (or some other appropriate log of failure).
Please list the exact versions of the affected packages.
I resolve this as NEEDINFO. Please reopen only when you have submitted your "emerge --info" output, and *more* information. The media-sound/abcde ebuilds depend on media-sound/id3v2 when "id3" use flag is enabled. Is this not what you want?
I think I just encountered this problem : at emerging, I was able to de-activate id3tag (even though having lame on) id3tag not emerged, for nothing requests it =D At run-time though, if ever wanting mp3 output abcde searches for id3tag path, even with no tagging action to perform. $ abcde which: no eyeD3 in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/gcc-bin/4.7.3:/home/arnaud/.local/bin:/usr/sbin:) [ERROR] abcde: eyeD3 is not in your path. [INFO] Define the full path to the executable if it exists on your system. Here is selection from my config file : " OUTPUTTYPE=ogg,mp3,flac #ACTIONS=cddb,read,encode,tag,move,clean ACTIONS=cddb,read,encode,move,clean " I wanted to fill the bug upstream, but their requirements list does not make id3tag optional. requestion re-opening this bug so... Arnaudv6