On a freshly installed system shortly after a stage3 installation an emerge --ask --deep --newuse --verbose world complains about two versions of udev, which do not seem to fit together. Another questionable point is the fact, that I get nautilus in the dependency-chain of a relatively basic world file. It seems as if finally the display manager gdm, via gksu causes this dependency. A display manager, which is a relatively basic service just above X11, should not rely on a high-level user application like nautilus. I don't know, whether the udev problem and the nautilus phenomenon have anything to do with each other. If not, it may be appropriate to divert this bug report into two independent issues. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 0. tar xpf /tmp/stage3-i686-20101207.tar.bz2 --numeric-owner -C /mnt/new_gentoo 1. chroot /mnt/new_gentoo, env-update, source /etc/profile 2. emerge --sync 3. tune make.conf 4. emerge app-admin/syslog-ng sys-boot/grub sys-fs/reiser4progs 5. emerge --ask --deep --newuse --verbose world Actual Results: emerge --ask --deep --newuse --verbose world * IMPORTANT: 2 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news to read news items. These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! emerge: there are no ebuilds built with USE flags to satisfy ">=sys-fs/udev-145[extras]". !!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request: - sys-fs/udev-151-r4 (Change USE: +extras) (dependency required by "gnome-base/gvfs-1.6.4-r2" [ebuild]) (dependency required by "gnome-base/nautilus-2.30.1-r1" [ebuild]) (dependency required by "x11-libs/gksu-2.0.2" [ebuild]) (dependency required by "gnome-base/gdm-2.20.11" [ebuild]) (dependency required by "@selected") (dependency required by "@world" [argument]) * IMPORTANT: 2 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'. * Use eselect news to read news items. Expected Results: emerge --ask world without complaints /var/lib/portage/world: app-admin/syslog-ng sys-boot/grub sys-fs/reiser4progs sys-process/bcron app-admin/logrotate app-crypt/gnupg app-editors/xemacs app-emulation/kqemu app-emulation/qemu app-portage/porthole app-text/evince app-text/psutils app-xemacs/auctex app-xemacs/dired app-xemacs/os-utils app-text/mpage dev-lang/icc dev-tex/tex4ht dev-vcs/bzr dev-vcs/cvs dev-vcs/mercurial dev-util/strace gnome-base/gdm mail-filter/procmail mail-mta/exim media-gfx/gimp media-gfx/xsane media-gfx/sane-backends media-gfx/sane-frontends media-gfx/jpeg2ps media-sound/alsa-tools media-sound/alsa-utils media-sound/alsaplayer media-video/nvidia-settings net-analyzer/nmap net-dns/djbdns net-firewall/iptables net-ftp/atftp net-mail/fetchmail net-misc/curl net-misc/dhcp net-misc/openntpd sys-apps/lm_sensors sys-apps/memtest86+ sys-apps/hotplug sys-apps/sg3_utils sys-devel/bc sys-fs/dosfstools sys-power/acpid sys-power/athcool sys-power/cpufreqd sys-process/lsof virtual/jdk www-client/dillo www-client/epiphany www-client/links www-servers/lighttpd x11-base/xorg-server x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers x11-libs/neXtaw x11-terms/gnome-terminal x11-terms/xterm x11-libs/Xaw3d
I don't think it's a bug. forums are a better place for asking support questions. Do as the output says, set 'extras' on sys-fs/udev. As for nautilus, if you did look at the ebuild, you'd see, that 'gnome' useflag in gksu is for a nautilus extension, if you unset it on the package, nautilus should not be pulled.
Rafał has this one nailed; gdm is pulling in a whole bunch of gnome-related dependencies. Please give his suggestions a try. If you can identify specific packages that have non-optimal default USE flags, please file separate bugs.