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Bug 34237 - WineX cvs ebuild
Summary: WineX cvs ebuild
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: Wine Maintainers
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-11-23 21:00 UTC by Mark Dierolf (RETIRED)
Modified: 2005-04-28 20:22 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

new ebuild for winex-3.2 (winex-cvs-3.2.ebuild,4.58 KB, text/plain)
2003-11-23 21:01 UTC, Mark Dierolf (RETIRED)
patch for winex-3.2 to compile cleanly (winex-cvs-3.2-wcmd.patch,282 bytes, patch)
2003-11-23 21:02 UTC, Mark Dierolf (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:11 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:12 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:12 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:13 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:13 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3 (winex-cvs.tar.bz2,8.25 KB, application/octet-stream)
2003-12-13 16:13 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Correction - fix man page, symlink; for Alsa 1.0, non gcc 3.3 systems (winex-cvs-3.2-r1.ebuild,5.18 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-14 11:36 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb
Ebuild - correct symlink, man page errors. For gcc 3.3 and Alsa 1.0 systems (winex-cvs-3.2-r3.ebuild,5.34 KB, text/plain)
2003-12-14 11:37 UTC, Brett I. Holcomb

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mark Dierolf (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-23 21:00:55 UTC
At the request of Transgaming, WineX-cvs-3.2 is only in portage as a binary. I am releasing a new ebuild that never has to make it to portage, perhaps it will be useful to other developers.
Comment 1 Mark Dierolf (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-23 21:01:43 UTC
Created attachment 21192 [details]
new ebuild for winex-3.2
Comment 2 Mark Dierolf (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-23 21:02:28 UTC
Created attachment 21193 [details, diff]
patch for winex-3.2 to compile cleanly
Comment 3 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-11-23 21:08:38 UTC
they asked us to remove the cvs ebuild a while back ... but that was before was created ...
Comment 4 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-23 22:41:14 UTC
sorry, due to LICENSE we are not allowed to add this into official portage
Comment 5 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 07:02:28 UTC
what are you talking about martin
Comment 6 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 07:07:36 UTC
about the discussion on -core ~ 23.07.2003

here's the mail

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 19:47:00 -0400
From: Gavriel State <>
To: Seemant Kulleen <>
Cc: Vikas Gupta <>
Subject: Re: winex-cvs ebuilds in Gentoo

Seemant Kulleen wrote:
> I was wondering if you could reply me via email with reasons for not including 
 > this ebuild in  gentoo any more, so that I can present that to our wine*
 > maintainers.

Hi Seemant,

Certainly, I'd be happy to reprise our phone discussions in email.

The primary reason for the WineX CVS tree being publicly available
under the Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL) is to give outside
developers who have an interest in the project the ability to track
our most current work, and to assist us with code or testing.
Our work is very complex though, and only a limited number of
developers have the skills required to contribute.

The intent of the public CVS tree is *not* to provide a 'free' version
of WineX that can be used without paying for it.  We want everyone
with an interest in the project to contribute, whether they contribute
code, or money to assist us with our development efforts.  We felt that
the AFPL was a good compromise to allow that to happen, which is why
we chose it.

Unfortunately, if the CVS tree is packaged in such a way that it is
trivial for someone to get WineX without contributing in some fashion,
that seriously discourages us from wanting to continue to offer the
public CVS tree.

Packaging WineX also increases the chance that the license will be
violated by someone unknowingly shipping WineX sources or binaries
on commercial Linux CDs (such as the $5 cheapbytes ones).

To be perfectly honest, the number of people getting a 'freebie' by
just downloading it and building it themselves without contributing
anything else is also of concern to us.  We are beginning to consider
restricting CVS access to TransGaming subscribers, in addition to
other possible measures.

Basically, it all boils down to the statement we put in our license:*checkout*/winex/wine/LICENSE?rev=1.9

"Note that while this license does permit certain kinds of non-commercial
distribution of pre-compiled binary packages of WineX, doing so on a large
scale is discouraged, as it affects TransGaming's ability to continue
to improve and develop the code.  TransGaming reserves the right to
change the license under which TransGaming-owned copyright code is made
available, and will not hesitate to do so if non-commercial distribution
of pre-compiled binary packages adversely affects the financing of continued

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Take care,

We've relocated to NEW Ottawa offices. Thanks
for updating your TransGaming contact information.

Gavriel State
TransGaming Technologies Inc.
55 Byward Market Square
2nd Floor North
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada  K1N 9C3
Bus:  (613)244-1111 x350
Cell: (613)298-0871
Fax:  (613)244-2091

Let the games begin!

Seemant Kulleen
Developer and Project Co-ordinator,
Gentoo Linux

Public Key:
Key fingerprint = 23A9 7CB5 9BBB 4F8D 549B 6593 EDA2 65D8 3458 780E
Comment 7 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 08:19:46 UTC
and like i said martin, that was BEFORE was launched
Comment 8 Alex Veber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 12:52:45 UTC
The ebuild is for the binary package (which paying customers can download from transgaming's site) NOT the cvs ebuilds we removed from portage.
I don't have a transgaming subscription so I can't really test this ebuild, do we have a dev who has a subscription?
Comment 9 Alex Veber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 12:58:33 UTC
Oops my mistake, I need more sleep :/
so, whats the status with transgaming now that is up? can we reintreduce the cvs ebuilds?
Comment 10 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2003-11-24 14:26:19 UTC
i dunno, shall you e-mail the peeps at transgaming Alex and see how they feel ?
Comment 11 Alex Veber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-25 06:29:41 UTC
Yeah, I will ask transgaming.
Comment 12 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:11:28 UTC
Created attachment 22151 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 13 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:12:52 UTC
Created attachment 22152 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 14 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:12:55 UTC
Created attachment 22153 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 15 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:13:00 UTC
Created attachment 22154 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 16 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:13:04 UTC
Created attachment 22155 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 17 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:13:10 UTC
Created attachment 22156 [details]
Winex-cvs build for Alsa 1.0 and gcc 3.3

This is a tarball of the winex-cvs directory from /usr/local/portage.  It
contains  the ebuilds and the files directory.

Winex-cvs builds for whoever wants them.  See bug 34237 notes for details -
READ the bug notes!!!!!

No warranty or guarantee on these.
Comment 18 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-13 16:22:03 UTC
I'm attaching the tarball of my /usr/local/portage/app-emulation/winex-cvs directory for anyone who wants a winex-cvs ebuild and it's associated files.

************************* READ THIS ********************************************8

1. No warranty or guarantees.  It works on my system and one other.

2. Both ebuilds assume Alsa 1.0 is installed (that's what started this) and apply a patch to alsa.h in the winex-cvs tree.  If you don't have Alsa 1.0 then comment out the lines that do the patching.

3. Ebuild -r1 is for a system with gcc 3.2 while -r2 is for a gcc 3.3 system.  The -r1 ebuild failed on a gcc 3.3 system so a patch for aviplay.c was applied.  This patch was based on one posted in the forums.  If you have gcc 3.2 use -r1 while those with gcc 3.3 use -r2.

4.  The tarball includes the winex-cvs files directory.

5.  The ebuild installs a winex-cvs wrapper in /usr/bin so you can start winex via winex-cvs.  A symlink for winex (winex-cvs -> winex) is also created in /usr/bin.  The wrapper must be used to setup things correctly so winex-cvs will run.

Comment 19 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-14 11:36:42 UTC
Created attachment 22202 [details]
Correction - fix man page, symlink; for Alsa 1.0, non gcc 3.3 systems

Corrected ebuilds to fix man page and symlink for /usr/bin/winex generation. 
This is for non gcc 3.3 systems with Alsa 1.0.
Comment 20 Brett I. Holcomb 2003-12-14 11:37:33 UTC
Created attachment 22204 [details]
Ebuild - correct symlink, man page errors.  For gcc 3.3 and Alsa 1.0 systems

Corrected ebuilds to fix man page and symlink for /usr/bin/winex generation. 
This is for gcc 3.3 systems with Alsa 1.0.
Comment 21 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-02-19 21:30:26 UTC
alex: have you gotten a response about cvs yet ?
Comment 22 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2004-02-22 02:13:05 UTC
*** Bug 41985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23 Paulo Fidalgo 2004-05-13 07:39:24 UTC
Any update???
should we expect a winex-cvs ebuild?
Comment 24 Mark Dierolf (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-05-13 10:17:12 UTC
This *is* a winex-cvs ebuild. If you mean in portage, probably not. Transgaming doesn't want anyone releasing packages of their software b/c that's what they are trying to sell. There is an ebuild in portage where you put their binary package in your distfiles directory.

This ebuild will probably forever stay in the bug tracker. I don't think it's in anyone's interest to piss off transgaming. So far, they haven't complained to me about it, but I know they had a problem with it being in portage.
Comment 25 Brett I. Holcomb 2004-06-23 12:11:19 UTC
As Mark said - this is not an attempt to get anyone upset.  At one time I was working with Wine-cvs and giving them feedback via the mail list.  When the ebuild was removed from portage I modified one I found in bugzilla.  It worked for me and I had a friend who needed it to work for him but he had gcc3.3 so I fixed it and put the results here for anyone who wanted to use it.  I don't ever expect tnis ebuild to be in portage and I would hope that anyone who uses it gives feedback to the Winex devel mail list.  At this point I'm running Wine mainly.

Comment 26 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-04-25 14:04:16 UTC
do they maintain cedega in the cvs repo ?  the last branch seems to be winex-3-3-2 which means there isnt much point in adding the ebuild if cedega isnt built off of this repo ...
Comment 27 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2005-04-28 20:22:25 UTC
re-open if i'm wrong