sys-libs/pam-1.1.2 (also 1.1.1-r2 and others) failed to cross compile Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. crossdev armv4tl-softfloat-linux-gnueabi 2. emerge-armv4tl-softfloat-linux-gnueabi pam Actual Results: cross compilation fails Expected Results: pam should be cross compiled successfully max_posedon sys-libs # emerge-armv4tl-softfloat-linux-gnueabi --info Portage 2.2_rc88 (!/var/lib/layman/embedded-cross/profiles/openmoko, gcc-4.5.1, glibc-2.11.2-r0, 2.6.35-gentoo-r9 i686) ================================================================= System uname: Linux-2.6.35-gentoo-r9-i686-Genuine_Intel-R-_CPU_T2130_@_1.86GHz-with-gentoo-2.0.1 Timestamp of tree: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:30:22 +0000 distcc 3.1 i686-pc-linux-gnu [disabled] app-shells/bash: 4.1_p7 dev-java/java-config: 2.1.11 dev-lang/python: 2.6.5-r3, 3.1.2-r4 dev-util/cmake: 2.8.1-r2 sys-apps/baselayout: 2.0.1 sys-apps/openrc: 0.6.3 sys-apps/sandbox: 2.3-r1 sys-devel/autoconf: 2.13, 2.67 sys-devel/automake: 1.8.5-r4, 1.9.6-r2, 1.10.3, 1.11.1 sys-devel/binutils: 2.20.1-r1 sys-devel/gcc: 4.5.1 sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.4.1 sys-devel/libtool: 2.2.10 sys-devel/make: 3.81-r2 virtual/os-headers: 2.6.35 (sys-kernel/linux-headers) ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="arm ~arm" ACCEPT_LICENSE="* -@EULA" CBUILD="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -std=gnu99" CHOST="armv4tl-softfloat-linux-gnueabi" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/share/X11/xkb /usr/share/config" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/env.d /etc/env.d/java/ /etc/eselect/postgresql /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/sandbox.d /etc/terminfo /etc/texmf/language.dat.d /etc/texmf/language.def.d /etc/texmf/updmap.d /etc/texmf/web2c" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t -std=gnu99" DISTDIR="/media/sheeva/linux/gentoo/distfiles" FEATURES="assume-digests binpkg-logs buildpkg distlocks fixlafiles fixpackages news nodoc noinfo noman parallel-fetch preserve-libs protect-owned sandbox sfperms strict unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch" GENTOO_MIRRORS="" LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LDFLAGS="" LINGUAS="en ru" MAKEOPTS="-j3" PKGDIR="/home/data/gentoo/neo-packages" PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT="/usr/armv4tl-softfloat-linux-gnueabi/" PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/home/data/gentoo/neo-cross-tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage /var/lib/layman/embedded-cross" SYNC="rsync://" USE="X alsa apm arm bzip2 cracklib dbus dri gif gps gstreamer iconv jpeg midi minimal multicall ncurses nls nptl pam png sqlite threads tiff tslib unicode xorg xpm zlib" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mmap_emul mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="tslib mouse keyboard evdev void" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" LINGUAS="en ru" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="dummy fbdev glamo" Unset: CPPFLAGS, CTARGET, EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS, FFLAGS, INSTALL_MASK, LC_ALL, PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND, PORTAGE_COMPRESS, PORTAGE_COMPRESS_FLAGS, PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS
Created attachment 249000 [details] build.log
Created attachment 249002 [details, diff] pam cross compile patch patch fixes pam's 's, author of patch: Sven 'sleipnir' Rebhan
Created attachment 249005 [details, diff] pam-1.1.2 ebuild patch
the patch isnt quite right wrt CFLAGS/LDFLAGS. you should introduce BUILD_CFLAGS/BUILD_LDFLAGS in configure, and then set CFLAGS/LDFLAGS to those in the specs subdir.
Please send the patch upstream to be taken care of since they are actually seemingly going to tackle that themselves.
Upstream bug:
Okay closing this one as INVALID for now. As Thorsten said, the code _is_ there by now; the problem is that the LEXLIB is not found unless you have flex installed.