When attempting to merge www-client/galeon-2.0.7-r2, the configure script errors-out because the minimum-required version of nspr is 4.8.5, but the current stable version is only 4.8.4. The ebuild should require a dependency for this. Here's a snippet of the configure script erroring-out: --- checking User-Agent header to use... "Galeon 2.0.7" checking which mozilla engine to use... libxul checking for XPCOM_COMPONENT... configure: error: Package requirements (libxul >= 1.9) were not met: Package 'libxul' requires 'nspr >= 4.8.5' but version of NSPR is 4.8.4 --- After ~arch-keywording dev-libs/nspr and merging the latest version of it, Galeon was then able to successfully install.
make this a >=dev-libs/nspr-4.8.5 stablereq?
This is caused by nspr downgrade (xulrunner was emerged when nspr-4.8.5 was installed, then nspr was downgraded to 4.8.4 and xulrunner broke). Just... don't do that