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Bug 319317 - x11-wm/compiz - compiz-manager should not start emerald by default
Summary: x11-wm/compiz - compiz-manager should not start emerald by default
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High minor
Assignee: Desktop-Effects herd
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Blocks: 410979
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Reported: 2010-05-11 22:40 UTC by wykladowca_
Modified: 2012-08-21 08:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description wykladowca_ 2010-05-11 22:40:55 UTC
The /usr/bin/compiz-manager script unnecessarily starts emerald, since a configurable window manager plug-in for Compiz exists and is bundled by default. Although disabling emerald is possible without uninstalling it, by modifying /usr/bin/compiz-manager, such change is overwritten at each reemerge.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Tianon 2011-05-01 05:45:21 UTC
I don't know if it's been added since this bug was posted, but there's a really easy fix for this in the current version.  Open either /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager or ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager and add USE_EMERALD="no" to the end of either, and compiz-manager will no longer start emerald and the Window Decorator plugin can handle it instead (or your own manual script, if preferred, although I found that I had to at least enable the "Window Decorations" plugin before anything would show up, regardless of who started the decorator).
Comment 2 Tianon 2011-05-01 05:46:32 UTC
Ok, maybe I lied.  That seems to have just started gtk-window-decorator for me instead.
Comment 3 dagelf 2012-06-28 22:33:40 UTC
Can someone confirm that this has been fixed? Emerald only starts on 0.8.8 when you actually enable it as the WM in ccsm. 

I think this one can be closed...
Comment 4 Sergey Popov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-06-30 09:52:20 UTC
Options in /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager are defaults. In 0.8-branch of compiz there must be some default decorator. If emerald is installed - it will be default, if user does not override this.

I think that this part of default compiz-manager logic should not be changed. User can disable emerald by uninstalling it(or not installing it at all, USE="-emerald" for x11-wm/compiz-fusion before emerging first time) or disable it it ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager.

So, my personal opinion - this bug should be closed as WONTFIX
Comment 5 Alexander Vershilov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-08-21 08:46:04 UTC
Closing Wontfix, as solution of the problem exists see Comment #4