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Bug 317463 - media-gfx/fswebcam - A neat and simple webcam app which captures images from a V4L1/V4L2 compatible device
Summary: media-gfx/fswebcam - A neat and simple webcam app which captures images from ...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Whiteboard: sunrise-suggested
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-04-27 12:23 UTC by Sebastián González
Modified: 2020-11-28 08:33 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

fswebcam-20100405.ebuild (fswebcam-20100405.ebuild,875 bytes, text/plain)
2010-04-27 12:24 UTC, Sebastián González
fswebcam-20100405.ebuild (correct version) (fswebcam-20100405.ebuild,789 bytes, text/plain)
2010-04-27 12:52 UTC, Sebastián González
fswebcam-20110717.ebuild (fswebcam-20110717.ebuild,812 bytes, text/plain)
2013-01-03 00:30 UTC, Tobias Leupold
media-video/fswebcam-20140113.ebuild (fswebcam-20140113.ebuild,769 bytes, text/plain)
2014-04-18 15:32 UTC, Tobias Leupold
media-gfx/fswebcam-20200725 (file_317463.txt,786 bytes, text/plain)
2020-10-19 09:36 UTC, Wicher Minnaard
media-gfx/fswebcam-20200725 (fixed) (fswebcam-20200725.ebuild,755 bytes, text/plain)
2020-11-28 08:29 UTC, Nikita Zlobin

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sebastián González 2010-04-27 12:23:58 UTC
Please find attached an ebuild for the 'fswebcam' package. It used to exist in Gentoo, and was removed for a reason I ignore. The program itself is actively maintained... and there are some of us who like it and use it!

Comment 1 Sebastián González 2010-04-27 12:24:50 UTC
Created attachment 229381 [details]
Comment 2 Sebastián González 2010-04-27 12:33:52 UTC
Oeps... sorry... that was the wrong version of the file. I will submit the right one now.
Comment 3 Sebastián González 2010-04-27 12:52:12 UTC
Created attachment 229385 [details]
fswebcam-20100405.ebuild (correct version)

This is the version I meant to submit originally, please ignore the previous one.
Comment 4 Kacper Kowalik (Xarthisius) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-04-30 16:27:29 UTC
Hello, I would like to firstly thank you for your ebuild submission.
Unfortunately, there are simply too many new packages and it's impossible for
Gentoo developers to commit them to the portage in a timely manner.

Allow me to use this opportunity to introduce you to Gentoo Sunrise. The
Sunrise[1] is an overlay for Gentoo where trusted users are allowed to
commit new ebuilds reviewed by Gentoo devs. I would strongly suggest that
you visit their webpage[2] or go directly to #gentoo-sunrise channel @ for a friendly ebuild review.

Best regards,
Kacper Kowalik

Comment 5 Tobias Leupold 2013-01-03 00:30:19 UTC
Created attachment 334098 [details]

Just in case somebody else searches Bugzilla for an ebuild for fswebcam: Here's an updated ebuild for the current version which builds fine on my amd_64, x86 and arm host (Raspberry Pi). Would be nice if this made it's way in the tree (Arch has it ;-)
Comment 6 Tobias Leupold 2013-01-03 00:32:16 UTC
Sorry, forgot this: the ebuid should be named "fswebcam-20110717.ebuild" to emerge the current version.
Comment 7 Tobias Leupold 2014-04-18 15:32:17 UTC
Created attachment 375206 [details]

I changed the dependencies against media-libs/gd. Not setting USE="png jpeg truetype" does not change anything in the build process of fswebcam (so the USE flags should not be present), but it needs media-libs/gd built with USE="png jpeg truetype" anyway: fswebcam fails if gd wasn't built with these USE flags. The LICENSE file should not go in doc, so I removed it.

Additionally, I renamed the ebuild to use the latest release, 20140113.

I'll have a look at that sunrise overlay, perhaps, I can commit it there.
Comment 8 Wicher Minnaard 2020-10-19 09:36:19 UTC
Created attachment 666704 [details]

Comment 9 Nikita Zlobin 2020-11-28 08:29:00 UTC
Created attachment 675469 [details]
media-gfx/fswebcam-20200725 (fixed)

Last ebuild has some misterious problem, breaking its sourcing
 * ERROR: media-gfx/fswebcam-20200725-r1::nick87720z failed (depend phase):
 *   External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: 
 * Call stack:
 *           , line 609:  Called source '/usr/local/portage/media-gfx/fswebcam/fswebcam-20200725-r1.ebuild'
'*   fswebcam-20200725-r1.ebuild, line   3:  Called command_not_found_handle '
 *           , line  89:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *   		die "External commands disallowed while sourcing ebuild: ${*}"

I recreated ebuild with vim (it auto-generates contents) than simply copied all content, removing all visible differences. This one could be sourced. When looked in diff and diffuse, they show all lines differing. I expected diffuse to highlight exact differences, but it highlights nothing. Now searching how to visualise difference. For now I see difference in file size - 786 oriringal vs 755 fixed.
Comment 10 Nikita Zlobin 2020-11-28 08:33:04 UTC
Found in mcdiff, all lines end with ^M.