The default WANT_AUTOMAKE ("latest") generates the dependeny || ( sys-devel/automake ) without a version number. This is probably not the aim of the code: The corresponding code generates a different dependency in a variable t which is forgotten: t="" ; for v in ${_LATEST_AUTOMAKE} ; do t="${t} =sys-devel/automake-${v}*" done unset t v _automake_atom="|| ( ${_automake_atom} )" I suppose that the last two lines should be instead: _automake_atom="|| ( ${t} )" unset t v
Robin, while I can understand the urgency of unbreaking autobuild, but next time could you _please_ wait before committing something to autotools.eclass that changes the whole dependency handling? I _think_ I fixed it properly with 1.96 but I'd rather for someone else to test this before marking the bug as FIXED.
bah, I missed committed the wrong version back. RESO TEST-REQUEST is intended exactly for this case.