The first release candidate was just released. Let's start testing it in the perl-experimental overlay.
(In reply to comment #0) > The first release candidate was just released. > > Let's start testing it in the perl-experimental overlay. > Test Summary Report ------------------- op/filetest.t (Wstat: 6 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero wait status: 6 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output op/stash.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 31 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 26 Files=1802, Tests=349078, 954 wallclock secs (33.15 usr 57.63 sys + 529.53 cusr 81.44 csys = 701.75 CPU) Result: FAIL make: *** [test_harness] Error 1 * ERROR: dev-lang/perl-5.12.0_rc1 failed: * test failed * * Call stack: *, line 54: Called src_test * environment, line 3137: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * TEST_JOBS=$(echo -j1 ${MAKEOPTS} | sed -r 's/.*(-j[[:space:]]*|--jobs=)([[:digit:]]+).*/\2/' ) make test_harness || die "test failed" * Also, Data-Page doesn't build yet, a known issue [ ], as well as perl-core/version, also known [ ] Perl itself builds and installs fine with FEATURES="-test"
Moved to 319801 -- Tracker for perl-5.12.1.