Hi. I ran across this well looking at a Redhat SRPM. According to the changelog of freetype-2.1.4-4.1 for Redhat-Fedora the freetype-2.1.3-slighthint.patch has been merged into the Freetype base. Thus, still including this patch is pointless. From the SRPM's freetype.spec file ChangeLog: - Removed patches that are now included in 2.1.3: freetype-2.1.1-primaryhints.patch, freetype-2.1.2-slighthint.patch, freetype-2.1.2-bluefuzz.patch, freetype-2.1.2-stdw.patch, freetype-2.1.2-transform.patch, freetype-2.1.2-autohint.patch, freetype-2.1.2-leftright.patch Someone might want to confirm this and rectify this.
if it was included it most likely wouldnt apply. i will look into this at a later time, it obviously hasnt been harmful.
must be some fedora thing, don't know. Freetype tarball has some references to the patch being integrated and later on removed. Dunno exactly what happened, doesn't matter much anymore.