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Bug 304445 - dev-util/bzr-2.0.1 bzr: ERROR: No module named pyexpat
Summary: dev-util/bzr-2.0.1 bzr: ERROR: No module named pyexpat
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: bazaar+obsolete
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-02-10 23:50 UTC by Alex Cannon
Modified: 2010-02-21 15:35 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Alex Cannon 2010-02-10 23:50:52 UTC
bzr --no-plugins cat > rocketfuel-setup

bzr: ERROR: No module named pyexpat
You may need to install this Python library separately

Could pyexpat please be added to portage? Thanks

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Mark Lee 2010-02-11 01:27:56 UTC
pyexpat is part of dev-lang/python by default (as USE=xml is turned on by default). Try re-emerging dev-lang/python with USE=xml enabled.

Note that when emerging Python with USE=-xml, it gives the following warning:

> You have configured Python without XML support.
> This is NOT a recommended configuration as you
> may face problems parsing any XML documents.
Comment 2 Alex Cannon 2010-02-11 03:06:12 UTC
# emerge -pvD python

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/expat-2.0.1-r2 [2.0.1-r1] 436 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20090203 [20080928] 41 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-misc/mime-types-8 [7] 12 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-7 [6] 0 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-shells/bash-4.0_p35 [3.2_p39] USE="net%* nls -afs -bashlogge
r -examples -mem-scramble% -plugins -vanilla" 6,168 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/coreutils-7.5-r1 [7.1] USE="acl nls -caps -gmp (-selinu
x) -static -vanilla -xattr" 9,731 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/popt-1.15 [1.10.7] USE="nls" 651 kB
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/rsync-3.0.6 [3.0.5] USE="acl iconv ipv6 -static -xattr 
(-xinetd%)" 761 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/file-5.03 [4.23] USE="-python" 602 kB
[ebuild     U ] app-admin/eselect-1.2.8 [1.1.1] USE="-bash-completion -doc" 151 
[uninstall    ] app-admin/eselect-news-20080320 
[blocks b     ] app-admin/eselect-news ("app-admin/eselect-news" is blocking app
[ebuild     U ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20090709 [20080809] 151 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r4 [1.8.3-r3] USE="berkdb" 224 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r8 [5.8.8-r5] USE="berkdb gdbm -build -debug
 -doc -ithreads -perlsuid" 9,887 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8l-r2 [0.9.8k] USE="zlib -bindist -gmp -ker
beros -sse2 -test" 4,082 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.05-r1 [1.05] 8 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4-r1 [1.36.4] USE="nls" 84 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/libtool-2.2.6b [1.5.26] USE="-test% -vanilla" 722 kB
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/readline-6.0_p4 [5.2_p13] 2,226 kB
[ebuild  NS   ] sys-libs/db-4.7.25_p4 [1.85-r3, 3.2.9-r11, 4.5.20_p2-r1, 4.6.21_
p4] USE="doc -java -nocxx -tcl -test" 12,835 kB
[ebuild  N    ] dev-libs/libffi-3.0.8  USE="-debug -static-libs -test" 706 kB
[ebuild  N    ] virtual/libffi-0  0 kB
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/python-2.6.4 [2.6.2-r1] USE="berkdb gdbm ipv6 ncurses r
eadline ssl threads (wide-unicode%*) xml -build -doc -examples -sqlite -tk -wini
nst (-ucs2%)" 10,997 kB

Total: 22 packages (19 upgrades, 2 new, 1 in new slot, 1 uninstall), Size of dow
nloads: 60,468 kB
Conflict: 1 block

I know things are a little dated, but in theory that shouldn't stop anything from working? And if minimum versions of python are required for it to work then that should be added to the dependancies, so that python gets updated automatically. The color of the "xml" use flag on python is red so I believe that means that python is already installed with xml enabled.
Comment 3 Christian Faulhammer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-02-11 17:44:24 UTC
Normally the version should not be the problem.  Does a python upgrade work for you (without -D for emerge)?  Or what is the reason that you have so dated packages?