Pydap is a pure Python library implementing the Data Access Protocol, also known as DODS or OPeNDAP. You can use Pydap as a client to access hundreds of scientific datasets in a transparent and efficient way through the internet; or as a server to easily distribute your data from a variety of formats.
Hi Tim, How different is this new pydap from the dev-python/dap from the main portage tree?
Sébastien, Upstream changed the name: is the 3.x version of pydap and is the 2.x version of dap Might could do some fancy MY_P variables to make pydap an upgrade of dap, but it seemed easier to just make a new name. What is funny is that I have a vague recollection that before it was called 'dap' he called it 'pydap' and if so it has come full circle. Kindest regards, Tim