the --exclude-installed (-I) flag to equery's 'hasuse' option is not implemented, but it is listed in the manpage Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.equery hasuse -I jack 2. 3. Actual Results: !!! You must specify one of -i, -p or -o man equery excerpt: hasuse <local-opts> useflag This command lists packages matching a particular USE flag in a user-specified combination of installed packages, packages which are not installed, the portage tree, and the portage overlay tree. <local-opts> must not include only -I; if -I is used, -p and/or -o must be also be present. By default, only installed pack- ages are searched. -o searches only the overlay tree [and possibly installed packages], not the main portage tree. -i, --installed search installed packages (default) -I, --exclude-installed do not search installed packages -p, --portage-tree also search in portage tree (/usr/portage) -o, --overlay-tree also search in overlay tree (/usr/local/portage) **** gentoolkit version
SORRY!! I didn't see that it also needs 'o' or 'p' until I copy/pasted the manpage excerpt!!