I followed the gentoo-x86-install.xml, it was very good document and got me up and running in about 1 hour. It was great in all areas except for Section 25. "Using GRP" specifically setting up a window system/manager. I wasted about three hours over the course of two days when a few more instructions whould have got me running without a hitch in the same evening. Or at a minimum some URLs to do the same. emerge -k xfree ### you should put in a small section on how to test the X server ! ### I am a Solaris user doing a first time Linux build. The method ### for a) generating an /etc/XF86config required research and the ### method for testign the X server required research. emerge -k kde ### This worked fine, but once again no information on how to a) ### test and/or install - looking at the forums this became clear ### A quick edit of the /etc/rc.config script and runnging the ### 'rc-update add xdm default' command. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Follow install and ponder what to do in Secton 25.
In the installation guide, it says that __To install these packages, you will need to reboot into your new Gentoo System first (covered in the "installation complete" section near the end of this document)__ then.. we scroll down a little to Chap: 26 Installation Completed! at the very bottom of the paragraph, there's a link for Desktop configuration guide, the link will guide you throgh the XFree86 configuration.
The installation guide doesn't have the installation and configuration of xfree as a goal. This is more something for the desktop guide. The desktop guide should be made GRP-away though...
Marking this one as WONTFIX as we will not include XFree configuration information to the installation guide.