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Bug 282264 - [TRACKER] KDE 4.x keywording
Summary: [TRACKER] KDE 4.x keywording
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: MIPS Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Stuart Longland (RETIRED)
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 272086
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2009-08-22 03:42 UTC by Stuart Longland (RETIRED)
Modified: 2017-01-19 18:47 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Automatic keyworder script (,1.16 KB, text/plain)
2009-08-22 03:46 UTC, Stuart Longland (RETIRED)

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Stuart Longland (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 03:42:09 UTC
The KDE 3.x desktop and all other Qt3-based applications are destined for the scrapheap in the coming months.  In order to prepare for this and to still provide a usable and complete deskop for our users, we will need to migrate to KDE4 which is based on the Qt4 application framework.

KDE4.3 has been found to work, however some issues need to be sorted out before it'll be ready for general consumption.  This is a tracker bug for keeping tabs on the progress.
Comment 1 Stuart Longland (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 03:46:15 UTC
Created attachment 201910 [details]
Automatic keyworder script

This shell script allows for automatic keywording and USE flag setting when installing big metapackages such as kde-meta.  It is buggy and poorly tested, use with caution!

# sh kde-meta
Comment 2 Stuart Longland (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 03:48:43 UTC
The following packages at least compile and install successfully... many appear to work as they should:

akonadi-4.3.0                        kdebugdialog-4.3.0                 kmines-4.3.0                ktuberling-4.3.0
akregator-4.3.0                      kdeedu-meta-4.3.0                  kmix-4.3.0                  kturtle-4.3.0   
amor-4.3.0                           kdegames-meta-4.3.0                kmousetool-4.3.0            ktux-4.3.0      
ark-4.3.0                            kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-4.3.0  kmouth-4.3.0                kubrick-4.3.0   
automoc-0.9.88                       kdelibs-4.3.0                      kmplot-4.3.0                kuiserver-4.3.0 
blinken-4.3.0                        kdemultimedia-kioslaves-4.3.0      knetattach-4.3.0            kurifilter-plugins-4.3.0
bomber-4.3.0                         kdemultimedia-meta-4.3.0           knetwalk-4.3.0              kuser-4.3.0             
bovo-4.3.0                           kdenetwork-filesharing-4.3.0       knetworkconf-4.3.0          kwallet-4.3.0           
dolphin-4.3.0-r1                     kdenetwork-meta-4.3.0              knewstuff-4.3.0             kwalletd-4.3.0          
dragonplayer-4.3.0                   kdepasswd-4.3.0                    knode-4.3.0                 kweather-4.3.0          
drkonqi-4.3.0                        kdepim-icons-4.3.0                 knotes-4.3.0                kwin-4.3.0              
gwenview-4.3.0                       kdepim-kresources-4.3.0            knotify-4.3.0               kwordquiz-4.3.0         
juk-4.3.0                            kdepim-meta-4.3.0                  kolf-4.3.0                  kwrite-4.3.0            
kabcclient-4.3.0                     kdepim-strigi-analyzer-4.3.0       kollision-4.3.0             kwrited-4.3.0           
kaddressbook-4.3.0                   kdepim-wizards-4.3.0               kolourpaint-4.3.0           kxsldbg-4.3.0           
kalarm-4.3.0                         kdepimlibs-4.3.0                   kommander-4.3.0             libkcddb-4.3.0          
kalgebra-4.3.0                       kdeplasma-addons-4.3.0             konqueror-4.3.0-r1          libkcompactdisc-4.3.0   
kalzium-4.3.0                        kdessh-4.3.0                       konquest-4.3.0              libkdcraw-4.3.0         
kamera-4.3.0                         kdesu-4.3.0                        konsole-4.3.0               libkdeedu-4.3.0         
kanagram-4.3.0                       kdetoys-meta-4.3.0                 konsolekalendar-4.3.0       libkdegames-4.3.0       
kapman-4.3.0                         kdewebdev-meta-4.3.0               kontact-4.3.0               libkdepim-4.3.0         
kappfinder-4.3.0                     kdf-4.3.0                          kontact-specialdates-4.3.0  libkexiv2-4.3.0         
kate-4.3.0                           kdialog-4.3.0                      kontactinterfaces-4.3.0     libkipi-4.3.0           
katomic-4.3.0                        kdiamond-4.3.0                     kopete-4.3.0                libkleo-4.3.0           
kbattleship-4.3.0                    kdm-4.3.0-r1                       korganizer-4.3.0            libkmahjongg-4.3.0      
kblackbox-4.3.0                      kdnssd-4.3.0                       kpasswdserver-4.3.0         libknotificationitem-4.3.0
kblocks-4.3.0                        keditbookmarks-4.3.0               kpat-4.3.0                  libkonq-4.3.0             
kbounce-4.3.0                        keditfiletype-4.3.0                kpilot-4.3.0                libkpgp-4.3.0             
kbreakout-4.3.0                      kephal-4.3.0                       kppp-4.3.0                  libksieve-4.3.0           
kbruch-4.3.0                         kfile-4.3.0                        kquitapp-4.3.0              libkworkspace-4.3.0       
kcalc-4.3.0                          kfilereplace-4.3.0                 krdc-4.3.0                  libplasmaclock-4.3.0      
kcharselect-4.3.0                    kfind-4.3.0                        kreadconfig-4.3.0           libtaskmanager-4.3.0      
kcheckpass-4.3.0                     kfourinline-4.3.0                  kreversi-4.3.0              lskat-4.3.0               
kcminit-4.3.0                        kgamma-4.3.0                       krfb-4.3.0                  marble-4.3.0              
kcmshell-4.3.0                       kgeography-4.3.0                   krosspython-4.3.0           mimelib-4.3.0
kcolorchooser-4.3.0                  kget-4.3.0-r1                      kruler-4.3.0                mplayerthumbs-4.3.0
kcontrol-4.3.0                       kglobalaccel-4.3.0                 krunner-4.3.0               nepomuk-4.3.0
kcron-4.3.0                          kgoldrunner-4.3.0                  ksame-4.3.0                 nsplugins-4.3.0
kde-l10n-4.3.0                       kgpg-4.3.0                         kscd-4.3.0                  okteta-4.3.0
kdeaccessibility-colorschemes-4.3.0  khangman-4.3.0                     kscreensaver-4.3.0          okular-4.3.0
kdeaccessibility-iconthemes-4.3.0    khelpcenter-4.3.0                  kshisen-4.3.0               oxygen-icons-4.3.0
kdeaccessibility-meta-4.3.0          khotkeys-4.3.0                     ksirk-4.3.0                 parley-4.3.0
kdeadmin-meta-4.3.0                  kiconfinder-4.3.0                  ksmserver-4.3.0             phonon-kde-4.3.0
kdeartwork-colorschemes-4.3.0        kig-4.3.0                          ksnapshot-4.3.0             plasma-apps-4.3.0
kdeartwork-desktopthemes-4.3.0       killbots-4.3.0                     kspaceduel-4.3.0            plasma-runtime-4.3.0
kdeartwork-emoticons-4.3.0           kimagemapeditor-4.3.0              ksplash-4.3.0               plasma-workspace-4.3.0
kdeartwork-iconthemes-4.3.0          kinfocenter-4.3.0                  ksquares-4.3.0              powerdevil-4.3.0
kdeartwork-kscreensaver-4.3.0        kioclient-4.3.0                    kstars-4.3.0                printer-applet-4.3.0
kdeartwork-meta-4.3.0                kiriki-4.3.0                       kstart-4.3.0                pykde4-4.3.0
kdeartwork-sounds-4.3.0              kiten-4.3.0                        kstartupconfig-4.3.0        qimageblitz-0.0.4
kdeartwork-styles-4.3.0              kjots-4.3.0                        kstyles-4.3.0               renamedlg-plugins-4.3.0
kdeartwork-wallpapers-4.3.0          kjumpingcube-4.3.0                 ksudoku-4.3.0               solid-4.3.0
kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers-4.3.0   kleopatra-4.3.0                    ksysguard-4.3.0             solid-hardware-4.3.0
kdebase-cursors-4.3.0                klettres-4.3.0                     ksystemlog-4.3.0            solidautoeject-4.3.0
kdebase-data-4.3.0                   klines-4.3.0                       ksystraycmd-4.3.0           soliduiserver-4.3.0
kdebase-desktoptheme-4.3.0           klinkstatus-4.3.0                  kteatime-4.3.0              step-4.3.0
kdebase-kioslaves-4.3.0              klipper-4.3.0                      ktimer-4.3.0                svgpart-4.3.0
kdebase-menu-4.3.0                   kmag-4.3.0                         ktimetracker-4.3.0-r1       sweeper-4.3.0
kdebase-menu-icons-4.3.0             kmahjongg-4.3.0                    ktimezoned-4.3.0            system-config-printer-kde-4.3.0
kdebase-meta-4.3.0                   kmail-4.3.0                        ktouch-4.3.0                systemsettings-4.3.0
kdebase-pam-7                        kmailcvt-4.3.0                     ktraderclient-4.3.0         thumbnailers-4.3.0
kdebase-startkde-4.3.0               kmenuedit-4.3.0                    ktron-4.3.0
kdebase-wallpapers-4.3.0             kmimetypefinder-4.3.0              kttsd-4.3.0

The following packages installed, but have issues that need resolving:
kdelibs-4.3.0: libkjs causes Konqueror to crash on websites (will need to file a bug for this)
Comment 3 Stuart Longland (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 03:58:32 UTC
Probably should add mips team into this bug too.
Comment 4 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-23 10:53:45 UTC
Adding us kde-ers to know what you are cooking :P
Comment 5 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-07-03 15:01:29 UTC
In the spirit of general cleanup- maybe we can resolve this one by now?! :)
Comment 6 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-07-09 21:03:41 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> In the spirit of general cleanup- maybe we can resolve this one by now?! :)

No objections, so resolving. (We're nearing version 4.5 by now.)