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Bug 280321 - [www-apps/egroupware] Add SyncML patch to egroupware
Summary: [www-apps/egroupware] Add SyncML patch to egroupware
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Web Application Packages Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-08-04 14:46 UTC by Manuel Nickschas
Modified: 2014-01-24 18:01 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

1.6.002 ebuild with SyncML 1.2 patches (egroupware-1.6.002.ebuild,2.14 KB, text/plain)
2010-01-26 08:09 UTC, Didier Cardoso
SyncML 1.2 patch for 1.6.002 (without ical support) (egroupware-1.6.002-syncml-1.2.patch.gz,217.51 KB, patch)
2010-01-26 08:10 UTC, Didier Cardoso
Details | Diff
SyncML 1.2 patch for 1.6.002 (only ical support) (egroupware-ical-1.6.002-syncml-1.2.patch.gz,5.47 KB, patch)
2010-01-26 08:11 UTC, Didier Cardoso
Details | Diff

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Description Manuel Nickschas 2009-08-04 14:46:42 UTC
Though egroupware-1.6.001 as in the tree now provides SyncML support for syncing mobile devices, it seems to be only featuring a deprecated protocol. My mobile phone (and according to google, a lot others too) speak (only) SyncML 1.2 which isn't yet in this egroupware version.

A patch exists that works nicely on my installation:

After applying this, I could sync my Sony-Ericsson phone with my egroupware installation with no issues.

Please consider adding a USE=syncml to the ebuild, or just add the patch unconditionally, as that would still be better than having partially non-functional XMLRPC support as it is now.

Note that the patch as provided wants to patch files in icalsrv/ which means that it needs to be modified is USE=-icalsrv is provided.

Note that the patch as provided wants to patch files in icalsrv/ which means that it needs to be modified is USE=-icalsrv is provided.


Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install egroupware, set up xmlrpc support
2. Try to sync with a modern cellphone (Sony-Ericsson W800 in my case) using SyncML 1.2
3. Wait for the failure message on the phone. Check server logs to find out that the SyncML format is not understood by egroupware.
Comment 1 Didier Cardoso 2010-01-26 08:09:02 UTC
Created attachment 217451 [details]
1.6.002 ebuild with SyncML 1.2 patches
Comment 2 Didier Cardoso 2010-01-26 08:10:34 UTC
Created attachment 217453 [details, diff]
SyncML 1.2 patch for 1.6.002 (without ical support)
Comment 3 Didier Cardoso 2010-01-26 08:11:38 UTC
Created attachment 217454 [details, diff]
SyncML 1.2 patch for 1.6.002 (only ical support)
Comment 4 J. Roeleveld 2013-03-10 07:20:14 UTC
Should this bug still be open?

Egroupware is currently on version and synchronizing with mobile phones works really well when using CalDav/CardDav/GroupDav clients.

Comment 5 Manuel Nickschas 2014-01-24 18:01:37 UTC
Considering that SyncML died together with Nokia, I agree this bug is probably less relevant than it was in 2009. Closing it now.