to get a working install-system and a ports-system with working ports!! I already had gentoo running, i was really happy with that thing (Running on a PII 350). Now, i got a new comuter. I have to reinstall my gentoo, compiling it optimized to a i686 system. Now, i even can't bootstrap. getting error Couldn't find match for >=baselayout-1.7.3. Okay, i was able to solve that problem by changing resync from rsync:// to rsync:// i think the x86 is an older one. Now, good. after this bootstrap does. Now, emerge system does also work well. Then i try to emerge KDE. When compiling KDE i get errors with QT and other things. He simply aborts, i can't remember the error. good, i thought - maybe it's portage system. So i tried to update portage. Also an error there... think the same like while bootstrapping. Now, i think gentoo is a great system, but are this ports ever checked before they are given out? I DON'T THINK SO! What's about getting the MAIN INSTALL PACKAGES to work until you try to get the database of ports larger? I think gentoo is revolutional to linux with that BSD-Style Portage system - if it works...
ugh.. what do you want me to do here??
Might be better to bugreport every bug seperate... since this isn't getting us any further