It simply does not work. When pressing *every* button nothing happens. Even about button doesn't work. I tried executing it in terminal but no useful output is given. Furthermore, the applet seems to not exists into GNOME Applets list (right click on panel → add).
Ok, my bad (partially). Add button works only if there's an item selected into Default (rw). "About" button still doesn't work :P And still applet missing from the list.
a) There is no applet in new GTodo anymore, I've removed the reference to it from DESCRIPTION from latest ebuild, sorry b) We don't care about About box not working, it's only a dummy button so nobody cares :-)
Upstream, 22:03 < ssuominen> Qballski: There's no applet in GTodo2 (0.19.0) ? 22:03 < Qballski> no
Ok but add button should work despite the selected items since it asks you explicitely where to put your new task. Glad you fixed the description then :P