CCLD pacat /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/pulseaudio-0.9.16_rc2-r50/work/pulseaudio-0.9.16-test2/src/.libs/ undefined reference to `backtrace_symbols' /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/pulseaudio-0.9.16_rc2-r50/work/pulseaudio-0.9.16-test2/src/.libs/ undefined reference to `backtrace' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status distcc[66785] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed it found execinfo.h thus enabled it but didnt add the -lexecinfo which is required since its not in the libc.
Marking upstream since this is a masked test version and it's an automagic dependencies; I've fixed it in my repo and asked Lennart to merge it in master for the final release.