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Bug 266667 - x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.4.0 autodetection procotol fails on Razer Diamondback mouse
Summary: x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.4.0 autodetection procotol fails on Razer Diam...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: AMD64 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
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Reported: 2009-04-18 18:00 UTC by Killian De Volder
Modified: 2009-04-26 19:04 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Killian De Volder 2009-04-18 18:00:46 UTC
Auto-protocol detection for driver mouse stopped working for Diamondback razor mouse.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Configure Xorg.conf to use driver mouse and use protocol auto.
2. StartX
3. Test all buttons using xev.

Actual Results:  
The correct protocol doesn't get detected (unkown witch).

Expected Results:  
Detect the correct protocl as in 1.4
Comment 1 Rafał Mużyło 2009-04-18 20:12:06 UTC
Are you sure it's not another case of
"I failed to read the upgrade guide and emerge xf86-input-evdev" ?
Comment 2 Killian De Volder 2009-04-21 06:29:26 UTC
No I didn't use evdev... and you are right it's would indeed be a xf86-input-mouse bug.
Actually evdev is sort of ok (other then the fact the scroll doesn't get mapped by automaticly, but this bug isn't about that).
Also if i'd be using evdev and i don't have the xf86-input-evdev I wouldn't have a moveable mouse at all (but my mouse DID move) ... (doubt X will even start).
Comment 3 Lars Wendler (Polynomial-C) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-22 21:50:03 UTC
Please attach your Xorg.0.log file and post your "emerge --info" as well. Thanks in advance.
Comment 4 Killian De Volder 2009-04-23 09:30:38 UTC
(No exactly like emerge --info, but should contain the same info, (if anything important is missing scream bloody murder) )

        CXX:                   x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ 4.3.2
        CXXFLAGS:               -O2 -pipe -pipe -march=athlon64 -fpic -ftracer -msse -msse2 -m3dnow -mmmx -mfpmath=sse -ftree-vectorize -fomit-frame-pointer -Os
        LDFLAGS:               -Wl,-O1
        DATE:                  2009-04-13T17:52:26+0200

        C++ Library:           GNU libstdc++ 20080827

Ps. If someone can tell me how to see witch mouse-protocol has been autodetected, that might help.
Comment 5 Killian De Volder 2009-04-23 09:32:35 UTC
Ow xorg.log contained no usefull information to my knowledge, as xorg never mentions anything about the mouse protocol (or the mouse).
Comment 6 Lars Wendler (Polynomial-C) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-26 11:04:16 UTC
Reopen this bug when you provide the requested information.
Comment 7 Killian De Volder 2009-04-26 19:04:03 UTC
Sure sticking the head in the sand will help ...
Typical solution "needinfo" ... whatever ...
I'll just stay with the old xorg server and hope they one day will fix a bug.
/me adds gentoo to the list of "bad" projects.