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Bug 26206 - Wrong filename in sylpheed-claws 0.9.4 prevents from building correctly.
Summary: Wrong filename in sylpheed-claws 0.9.4 prevents from building correctly.
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High major
Assignee: Marius Mauch (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-08-08 07:44 UTC by Antek Grzymała (antoszka)
Modified: 2003-09-29 09:20 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Antek Grzymała (antoszka) 2003-08-08 07:44:09 UTC
When emergeing sylpheed-claws 0.9.4 (with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86", of course),
the build process commences correctly, configure script runs OK, then at the
beginning of the build process you get an error, becase a file
sylpheed-claws.pot cannot be found. A quick grep:

tar tjf /usr/portage/distfiles/sylpheed-0.9.4claws.tar.bz2 | grep pot |\
grep sylpheed

reveals that the required file is called sylpheed.pot. Renaming the file to
sylpheed-claws.pot, regenerating the .tar.bz2 archive, rebuilding the digest for
the package results in a workable clean ebuild.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge sylpheed-claws
Actual Results:  
Error as in "Details" above.

Expected Results:  
Complete build process correctly.

Well. Kinda fixed already.
Comment 1 M3Dlor 2003-08-14 10:47:59 UTC
The problem is in these lines:

src_unpack() {
        sed -e "s/PACKAGE\=sylpheed/PACKAGE\=sylpheed-claws/"  ${i}.orig > ${i}

Dont know why that line is necessary because u can change sylpheed programname
"  --program-suffix=SUFFIX            append SUFFIX to installed program names".
Which is in fact added to ebuild!

Any problems by removing the "sed" line in ebuild ?

In fact i dont think it has any usefulness to have both sylpheed and sylpheed-claws installed simultaneously. The whole process could be much easier then.

Dont beat me if i am wrong :)
Comment 2 Maciek 2003-09-06 09:05:42 UTC
Yes, it works. You remove the lines and you can emerge it. What's more, the executable is called correctly (sylpheed-claws).

Can anyone commit the change to the ebuild?
Comment 3 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-29 02:28:44 UTC
the sed is necessary so that the directories in /usr/lib and /usr/share are
called sylpheed-claws too.
Comment 4 Brad Cowan (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-29 08:09:08 UTC
genone, I'm assigning to you, but you reason is valid...go ahead and close
if you want.
Comment 5 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-29 09:20:04 UTC
Can't confirm the bug with 0.9.4 or 0.9.5. If you still encounter it please
attach a full build log and reopen the bug.