I have wrong rss looks in Liferea 1.5.x for feeds: http://packages.gentoo.org/archs/amd64/testing/gentoo.rss http://packages.gentoo.org/feed/arch/x86 From Liferea bug tracker: "I do not consider this a bug. The feed provides titles with newline characters and Liferea renders them with newline characters. Despite this the title encoding of this feed is really strange. Nobody encodes titles in full fledged HTML and expects it to look good in aggregators. I suggest asking the author to use non-HTML titles without any newlines." You can look it here: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2625335&group_id=87005&atid=581684
The title block is explicitly declared as XHTML. Part of it: 11 <title xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" type="xhtml"> 12 <div> 13 <span class="cpvstr">sys-apps/tuxonice-userui-0.7.3</span>: <span class="description">User Interface for TuxOnIce</span> 14 </div> 15 </title> Newlines and whitespace in general in (X)HTML follows explicit rules, that DO include not rendering newlines. If Liferea is rendering a newline instead of squelching it, then it's NOT following XHTML properly.