Please consider adding our new mirror: Type: Full Mirror HTTP: FTP: Country: Canada Contact email address: Update frequency: 4x Day Rsync repository used: Approximate bandwidth: 100mbps dedicated to mirrors Reproducible: Always
Thanks for wanting helping with a Gentoo mirror. I'm adding this mirror to our test system - please make sure the mirror is syncing once every 4 hours as mentioned at We will keep you posted on the status of testing. In the mean time, could you please post the hardware specs of the server, intended number of concurrent users for each protocol and the administrative contact? And I assume the URLs are /gentoo and not apache :)
Jason, your distfiles has been lagging by 6-9 hours for at least the last 5 days. Could you verify that your server is set to sync correctly according to the policy? If everything looks right, perhaps you could change the mirror that you're sync'ing with.
The mirror seems to be down from May 8th. Please fix this and reopen the bug.