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Bug 25430 - Parallel build of kdebase installs wrong library
Summary: Parallel build of kdebase installs wrong library
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Low critical
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-28 08:05 UTC by Walt H
Modified: 2003-09-10 08:36 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Walt H 2003-07-28 08:05:31 UTC
I've discovered that a parallel (-j2+) build of kdebase silently fails by
installing incorrect libraries. The kio_smb libraries specifically. My gentoo
box is current as of mid July '03 and emerging kdebase with -j4 will install the from kio/smb/ instead of from kio/smbro/ this causes the
smbmount action from tools to fail when attempting to mount the current share
from konqueror. I've not done serious investigation to find if other libraries
are also affected. Without reverting to a single threaded make, an 'ebuild
kdebase-3.1.2 merge' followed by manually copying the lib from
kio/smbro/ to the correct location allows smbmount to work again.
Comment 1 Lisa Seelye (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-07-28 14:37:16 UTC
Were you using distcc?
Comment 2 Walt H 2003-07-28 19:13:48 UTC
Not using distcc. Just standard '-j4' in make.conf followed by an emerge kdebase. I've tested this on two machines with the same results both times.
Comment 3 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-11 20:24:57 UTC
Yikes.  May want to file a bug on  We don't do any magic with the samba stuff, 
so it sounds like something is getting built out of order during the make. 
Of course, they may end up passing the buck back to us. <shrug> 
Comment 4 Walt H 2003-08-11 20:45:28 UTC
I will probably wait until kde 3.1.3 hits stable in portage and see if the problem still persists. 
Comment 5 Walt H 2003-09-10 07:32:55 UTC
Just updated kde to kde-3.1.3 and the problem is fixed. I think this was most likely a problem with the core KDE stuff, and nothing Gentoo specific. As I posted this originally, and it now "works for me", I think this bug can be closed.
Comment 6 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-10 08:36:24 UTC
see above comment