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Bug 25042 - gcc-3.3-r1 fails to finish patching before compiling
Summary: gcc-3.3-r1 fails to finish patching before compiling
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] GCC Porting (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-22 03:15 UTC by Antony Suter
Modified: 2003-08-07 08:06 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

output of emerge patching (gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2-10090.out,32.44 KB, text/plain)
2003-07-22 03:19 UTC, Antony Suter

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Antony Suter 2003-07-22 03:15:47 UTC
gestalt portage # ebuild /usr/portage/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.3-r1.ebuild merge >>>
md5 src_uri ;-) gcc-3.3.tar.bz2
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) gcc-3.3-patches-1.2.tar.bz2
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) gcc-3.3-branch-update-20030718.patch.bz2
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) protector-3.3-1.tar.gz
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) gcc-3.3-manpages.tar.bz2
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking gcc-3.3.tar.bz2 to
>>> Unpacking gcc-3.3-patches-1.2.tar.bz2 to
>>> Unpacking protector-3.3-1.tar.gz to
* Working directory: /usr/local/portage-extra/tmp/portage/gcc-3.3-r1/work/gcc-3.3...
* Applying libtool-test.patch...
* Applying libtool-tmp.patch...
* Applying libtool-sed.patch...
* Applying libtool-portage.patch... 

* Applying gcc-3.3-branch-update-20030718.patch.bz2...                   [ ok ]
* Applying various patches (bugfixes/updates)...
*   02_all_gcc33-ice-hack.patch.bz2...                                   [ ok ]
*   03_all_gcc33-ppc64-m32-m64-multilib-only.patch.bz2...                [ ok ]
*   12_all_gcc33-default-must-pass-stack.patch.bz2...                    [ ok ]
*   13_all_gcc33-x86-64-pass-stack.patch.bz2...                          [ ok ]
*   14_all_gcc33-compact-dwarf2.patch.bz2...                             [ ok ]
*   15_all_gcc33-multi-os-directory.patch.bz2...                         [ ok ]
*   16_all_gcc33-c99-double-inline.patch.bz2...                          [ ok ]
*   17_all_gcc33-c99-numbers.patch.bz2...                                [ ok ]
*   18_all_gcc33-flt-eval-method.patch.bz2...                            [ ok ]
*   23_all_gcc33-c++-decl2.patch.bz2...                                  [ ok ]
*   25_all_gcc33-libstdc++-pic.patch.bz2...                              [ ok ]
*   26_all_gcc33-m68k-const.patch.bz2...                                 [ ok ]
*   27_all_gcc33-m68k-java-build.patch.bz2...                            [ ok ]
*   28_all_gcc33-m68k-loop.patch.bz2...                                  [ ok ]
*   29_all_gcc33-m68k-subreg.patch.bz2...                                [ ok ]
*   30_all_gcc33-sparc-default-v8.patch.bz2...                           [ ok ]
*   31_all_gcc33-s390-biarch.patch.bz2...                                [ ok ]
*   32_all_gcc33-ggc_page-speedup.patch.bz2...                           [ ok ]
* Done with patching
* Applying protector.dif...                                              [ ok ]
* Applying gcc33-gentoo-branding-1.patch...                              [ ok ]
* Applying gcc32-mklibgcc-serialize-crtfiles.patch...                    [ ok ]
* Applying gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2...

* Failed Patch: gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2!
* Include in your bugreport the contents of:

!!! ERROR: sys-devel/gcc-3.3-r1 failed.
!!! Function epatch, Line 321, Exitcode 0
!!! Failed Patch: gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2!

gestalt portage #
Comment 1 Antony Suter 2003-07-22 03:19:36 UTC
Created attachment 14857 [details]
output of emerge patching
Comment 2 David Nielsen 2003-07-22 04:39:13 UTC
Fixed for me, do emerge sync and try again.
Comment 3 Antony Suter 2003-07-22 06:06:48 UTC
Fixed, by updating from patch-2.5.4-r5 (current portage) to patch-2.5.9 (current masked portage).
Comment 4 James Cloos 2003-07-26 13:38:08 UTC
I'm at patch 2.5.9 and it still fails.

gcc33-coreutils-compat.patch.bz2 has two bogus patches in it.

Both are for configure.orig type filenames.

bunzip, edit removing the two FOOBAR.orig files, re-bzip,
ebuild digest and then emerge works.

(or at least gets past patching and on to compiling.  Will have
to wait a while to see whether it actually *works* ;)
Comment 5 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-02 08:52:50 UTC
Could you specify the broken patches please ?
Comment 6 Martin Schlemmer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-07 08:06:16 UTC
patch-2.5.9 is stable, no feedback on comment #4.  Works for me.