It would be nice to have the following kernel patch included: From the site: <snip> 1.1 What is software suspend? Software suspend is the ability to take a snapshot of the state of a computer's memory and save it to disk, and restore that image later. This allows you to fully power down a computer at an arbitrary point in time and not need to reload programs and reopen documents on power-up. In modern laptops, suspension is not done by the BIOS. They use ACPI and ask the operating system to do most of the job. If you can't satisfy yourself with standby mode (suspension to RAM) because you leave your computer in suspension mode for too long (or because you're not using a 2.5 or later kernel and therefore lack suspend-to-RAM support), then you have to suspend on disk. </snip>
this will be a hard sell for me right now. i have some stuff to potentially introduce a laptop use flag to pfeifer-sources - so, maybe i can include it in that set for testing. Jay
A laptop USE-Flag would definitvely be a very good thing!
Many laptop have some kind of software suspend integrated in their BIOS. This feature is NOT specific for laptop. It's useful to boot faster, or to cut the power of a machine without loosing your precious uptime. However, the script seems specific for 2.4 kernels. What we should look for is a 2.6 equivalence. No hurry, it isn't that stable and it brings real risks for you data.
- This patch is not about suspend-to-ram but suspend-to-disk. Therefore less a chance for data loss.. - As my initial comment pointed out: BIOS integration is (according to their FAQ) outdated and should be replaced by ACPI. Patch for 2.6 series is here: Release notes: It is v2.0-alpha2.
This is very useful thing, and I can download patch and patch myself. but gentoo kernel has a lot of modifications, and this isn't so easy. Of course i can use vanilla, but gentoo has a lot of useful things.
If you could make a patch and test it, I might be able to put it into gentoo-sources. Until we can make sure it's stable though, you'll need to add a USE flag for it.
this is already in the 2.6 tree (gentoo-dev-sources for example). I recommend not adding this to the 2.4 tree for now.