result of `emerge phpBB-2.0.4.ebuild` (see below about text between those stars): Calculating dependencies ...done! >>> emerge (1 of 1) net-www/phpBB-2.0.4 to / >>> md5 src_uri ;-) phpBB-2.0.4.tar.gz /usr/sbin/ line 25: [: /home/httpd/htdocs: binary operator expected >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking phpBB-2.0.4.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/phpBB-2.0.4/work >>> Source unpacked. Nothing to compile >>> Install phpBB-2.0.4 into /var/tmp/portage/phpBB-2.0.4/image/ category net- www ********** /home/httpd/htdocs /usr/portage/distfiles/ ********** cp: copying multiple files, but last argument `/usr/portage/distfiles//phpbb' is not a directory Try `cp --help' for more information. chown: failed to get attributes of `/usr/portage/distfiles//phpbb': No such file or directory man: prepallstrip: strip: >>> Completed installing into /var/tmp/portage/phpBB-2.0.4/image/ >>> Merging net-www/phpBB-2.0.4 to / --- /usr/ --- /usr/share/ --- /usr/share/doc/ >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/ >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/INSTALL.html.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/CHANGELOG.html.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/COPYING.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/FAQ.html.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/AUTHORS.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/codingstandards.htm.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/coding-guidelines.txt.gz >>> /usr/share/doc/phpBB-2.0.4/README.html.gz --- /usr/portage/ --- /usr/portage/distfiles/ >>> /usr/portage/distfiles/phpbb/ --- /home/ --- /home/httpd/ --- /home/httpd/htdocs/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> net-www/phpBB-2.0.4 merged. net-www/phpBB selected: none protected: 2.0.4 omitted: none >>> clean: No packages selected for removal. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Auto-cleaning packages ... >>> No outdated packages were found on your system. * GNU info directory index is up-to-date. !!!!!!!!!!!END PASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I modified (added only echo statements) the ebuild to aid in debugging. The only section I modified was src_install(): src_install(){ cd ${S} echo "**********" #added by me echo "${HTTPD_ROOT}" #added by me echo "**********" #added by me dodir ${HTTPD_ROOT}/phpbb cp -r * ${D}/${HTTPD_ROOT}/phpbb cd ${D}/${HTTPD_ROOT} chown -R ${HTTPD_USER}.${HTTPD_GROUP} ${D}/${HTTPD_ROOT}/phpbb dodoc ${S}/docs/* } !!!!!!!!END PASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Essentially, ${HTTPD_HOME} got overspecified. As far as I can tell, this is because I have the normal DocumentRoot specified, but I also have a DocumentRoot specified within a <VirtualHost> tag (which is /usr/portage/distfiles).
Okay, I've added a fix to phpBB-2.0.4's ebuild. Please try this again, and let us know how you get on. Check the phpBB-2.0.4-ebuild script's header - you need v1.3 to have the fix. Best regards, Stu --
closing old bugs.