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Bug 24062 - non-default ebuilds handle dependencies incorrectly
Summary: non-default ebuilds handle dependencies incorrectly
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux MySQL bugs team
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-07-07 11:13 UTC by Davey Shafik
Modified: 2003-08-11 03:47 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Davey Shafik 2003-07-07 11:13:53 UTC
The problem here is when trying to emerge any MySQL that isn't the default for
the ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86" or "~x86" (whichever yours is set too).

The problems lies in the fact that one of MySQL's dependencies, also has a
dependency on MySQL itself, the dependency in question is BDB-mysql.

When trying to build a non-default ebuild, i.e. MySQL 4.0.13, its ebuild sets a
dependecy for DBD-mysql, then DBD-mysql's ebuild sets a dependency for MySQL,
which chooses MySQL 3.23.56 (with x86) or MySQL 4.0.13-rc3 IIRC (with ~x86).
Emerging that would result in compiling MySQL twice with an incorrect version
being the one actually installed. I got around this by commenting out the mysql
dependency in DBD-mysql but I'm told emerge should handle this properly itself.

Another question, is all the perl stuff *needed* for MySQL? if not, would it
possible to create a two ebuilds, mysql-base (*just* mysql) and mysql (as is) or
mysql being *just* mysql and perl-mysql being all the perl stuff. As it happens
I ended up wanting the perl stuff, but initial I didn't want it and I'm sure
others are thinking the same.

- Davey
Comment 1 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2003-08-11 03:47:35 UTC
The perl stuff is needed for MySQL unfortunetly. The scripts mysql includes all use it (mysqladmin amongst them iirc).

This is now a moot point since MySQL4 is in the x86 tree.
It is a known shortcoming of portage with this.