Since a few days, drag and drop to Rox-filer does not work properly. In today's case, I need to move files from my a USB key mounted in /media/sda1, to /tmp. So, i select one or several files (happens the same in any case), drag them from "/media/sda1/Mes Images" and drop them to /tmp . When doing this, the mouse cursor remains with the small "angle" (or arrow), with the symbol of files, but the small "+" does not come in. I know that when the plus does not come in, move will fail. Since this just failed today with 2.8, and I do not like at all the new icon-set (the set of pictures representing the directories is now brown, i prefer the old blue one), i downgraded to 2.6.1. The same problem happens. My /tmp is writable since i could crate a "NewDir". After clicking on this NewDir, draging over it makes appear a question mark "?" in the arrow, and dropping the mouse there make appear the expected selection menu (asking me to choose between copy, move, or link ...). Last week, when moving files from Firefox (draging a link) to an other place, it failed as long as the destination directory only contained MP3s, and the "+" appeard only when the destination Rox-windows was showing the parent; i thought that the bug only occured when destination does not contain subdir (i usually just D&D pictures and link from fireFox to /tmp, what usually performs wget on the source, in a new terminal in the same dir as Rox is showing). Obviously i was wrong, since today it fails on /tmp that contains dozens of subdirs, and works in a clean and empty NewDir ... still, it is roughly the same bug: in many cases, draging over a rox-Filer window will not make the cursor become a +, and dropping over a Rox-Filer will not show the action menu. Happens in both 2.6.1 and 2.8 Happens only since 1 or 2 weeks => the bug has been introduced by an ebuild released in x86 roughly after august 10th. If i cant D&D around Rox windows, i can not do anything any more on my workstation. D&D in Rox is my main activity after reading emails and net browsing. => major bug for me.
Created attachment 164846 [details] /tmp/emerge--info moon-gen-3 ~ # qlist -ISLv |grep -i rox media-video/matroxset-0.4:0 rox-base/mime-editor-0.5-r2:0 rox-base/rox-2.6.1:0 rox-base/rox-clib-2.1.10:0 rox-base/rox-lib-2.0.5:0 rox-base/thumbs-0.1.4:0 rox-base/zeroinstall-injector-0.33:0 rox-extra/archive-2.2:0 rox-extra/clock-2.1.7:0 rox-extra/diff-2.1.4:0 rox-extra/edit-2.0-r1:0 rox-extra/memo-2.0-r1:0 rox-extra/mp3ogg2wav-1.0:0 rox-extra/rox-wifi-003:0 rox-extra/roxcd-0.5.4-r2:0 rox-extra/roxdao-0.4-r1:0 rox-extra/roxget-0.0.5c:0 rox-extra/roxiso-061007-r1:0 rox-extra/videothumbnail-0.1.13-r1:0 rox-extra/weather-0.3.1:0 moon-gen-3 ~ #
Moving files works fine when moving files inside the same window (moving a file from actual dir, to a subdir shown in the same win). there are a few case (i can not reproduce yet) where moving between two windows works. Unmasked 2.8 ... remerged ... same. revdep-rebuild => nothing to do. python-updater => nothing to do. could be D-BUS ?
update: the bug seems related with the geometry of the windows, or it's initial window: I am "at the moment" having two Rox-Filer, /tmp and ~/.../pictures/ ... and from time to time, in the same destination directory, flying over the destination directory, the mouse cursor can contain or not the "+" or "?". I usually have "?" in the upper part of the window, either it contains files/icons or not, and, the cursor remains "default" in the lower part. NB that I often resize my windows, usually to make them bigger. ATM, i am thinking that the cursor will show "?" in the geographical region where the initial window contained icons/files (did not found yet it it was the actual window before changing directory, or original for the very first parent win when starting Rox-Filer). Now that my destination window has an "active zone", i can create new folders in, and move to them without any problem, as long as I release the mouse button in the higher part of the window. Explanation is fuzzy, because I dont understand very well how to trigger the bug; but, this morning, bug behaves a different way than yesterday night. but bug is still there, and it is not any more exactly the same ... just after a simple reboot and new X cession. NB2: using E17 as window manager, no problem since may 2005. 2 years I am using Rox-Filer in E17 ... this bug happens since 2 weeks for me. I can provide exhaustive list of what i emerged since 1 month.
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply here - But I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, or how to reproduce it. The only thing I noticed is that if you are trying to drop onto the toolbar it will not work - You must drop into the file area of a rox-filer window. As for the icon issue, I will try to fix this soon - in 2.8 the icon theme naming has changed.
Also, what version of x11-libs/gtk+ are you using, and did you recently upgrade it?
I fixed my theme problem by deleting some things around (uncompatible deprecated things). dhp@moon-gen-3:~$ genlop -t x11-libs/gtk+ * x11-libs/gtk+ Tue Feb 26 00:38:29 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.5-r1 merge time: 53 minutes and 23 seconds. Wed Feb 27 00:26:11 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r12 merge time: 6 minutes and 18 seconds. Sat Mar 15 18:31:14 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.8 merge time: 58 minutes and 54 seconds. Sat Jun 7 17:19:47 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.9-r2 merge time: 1 hour, 7 minutes and 48 seconds. Thu Aug 7 21:19:36 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.9-r2 merge time: 1 hour, 5 minutes and 22 seconds. Mon Aug 25 02:07:29 2008 >>> x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.10-r1 merge time: 56 minutes and 36 seconds. dhp@moon-gen-3:~$
(In reply to comment #6) > I fixed my theme problem by deleting some things around (uncompatible > deprecated things). Good to hear!