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Bug 236459 - Gentoo irc channel
Summary: Gentoo irc channel
Alias: None
Product: Community Relations
Classification: Unclassified
Component: User Relations (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Community Relations Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-09-02 14:51 UTC by Brian Beardall
Modified: 2013-09-14 15:02 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Brian Beardall 2008-09-02 14:51:19 UTC
This is my complaint post. Not that it really matters, but I'll state my opinion. So I was banned for a single comment:

(11:02:53 PM) rapsure: I can't contain myself. ha ha ha ha ha -> nvidia

And so without warning I got this:

rapsure: But I can contain you. Please /join #gentoo-ops

Next thing I knew I was silenced. A warning would have been greatly appreciated, but nope. I got un-silenced, but by then I really had no desire to help anyone in the channel. Yeah and I'm not new at Gentoo, but I've been doing this for the past 4 and a half years. I've taken time before to help people out on #gentoo, but probably wouldn't matter now if I had been banned for the standard 20 days. Just seemed a little unprofessional without a warning.


I'm not banned right now after begging in gentoo-ops.

More info can be found here:

This occurred on Sunday MDT, September 1.
Comment 1 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-02 15:18:01 UTC
I'm reassigning this bug to userrel as any issue regarding users should be sent to userrel and not devrel.
Before you address userrel, you should however talk to the gentoo-ops about any issues regarding #gentoo. From the little snippet you've posted, it seems a #gentoo op asked you to join the moderation channel to talk about your comment and it seems you refused to do that.
I'll notify the gentoo-ops in case they want to reply in this bug.
Comment 2 Chad A. Simmons 2008-09-02 16:03:05 UTC
from #gentoo-ops

[01:25:39] <rapsure> Please unbann me from #gentoo.
[01:25:56] <@rej> hi rapsure
[01:26:15] <@rej> 07:02:53  <rapsure> I can't contain myself. ha ha ha ha ha -> nvidia
[01:26:24] <@rej> What was that all about?
[01:26:35] <rapsure> nvidia driver.
[01:28:23] <rapsure> rej, you aren't being very funny.
[01:28:56] rej shrugs
[01:29:16] <rapsure> So when are you going to unblock me?
[01:29:20] <@rej> I don't really value your opinion right now. I just want to keep the channel clean...
[01:29:37] <@rej> So I wonder what moved you to say that to more than 900 #gentoo users.
[01:30:53] <@rej> rapsure: At this manner of conversation, your ban should last about 20 days, which is the norm for "unfinished business", unless you make things worse, in case it could become permanent, which could boil down to around a year.
[01:31:23] <@rej> Or you could simply talk about your need to blog in our channel, and then we could come to some agreement about you not doing that anymore.
[01:31:28] <rapsure> Oh because I was laughing at the fact the glxgears doesn't lock memory correctly on my nvidia 9600GT card and so it causes really poor performance.
[01:31:44] <rapsure> I was banned for one comment?
[01:32:35] <@rej> Yes.
[01:33:17] <@rej> so er
[01:33:35] <@rej> Nobody actually knew what you were actually laughing about...
[01:33:36] <rapsure> I won't do any more out bursts like that.
[01:34:27] <@rej> #gentoo is a channel strictly for supporting Gentoo Linux, contrary to other "portal type" Linux distribution channels...
[01:35:06] <rapsure> I had actually been in asking about glxgears performance only a few minutes before.
[01:35:15] <@rej> I know.
[01:35:21] <@rej> And you didn't get an answer. :)
[01:35:28] <@rej> I removed the +q now.
Comment 3 Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-02 16:53:27 UTC
Is this still an issue?
Comment 4 Brian Beardall 2008-09-02 17:03:21 UTC
I posted this because it seems like there had been similar incidents in the past. What happened is that I was like cool and thought it was a warning and wanted to chat, and help some of the people there. But I'm cool with just leaving it as it is. However I don't want to be silenced for one off topic comment.
Comment 5 Dawid Węgliński (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-03 10:17:58 UTC
Well, you was muted, not banned in fact, and simply asked to join #gentoo-ops, where you were able to talk about rules. I can't see what's wrong with this. That only prevents useless discussions on #gentoo.
Comment 6 Dawid Węgliński (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-03 10:18:41 UTC
s/was/were/ :-\
Comment 7 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-09-03 10:25:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> However I don't want to be silenced for one off topic comment.

Well, it's up to #gentoo ops the moderation of the #gentoo channel, so you'll have to respect their rules.
I don't see anything here for userrel to do. If you disagree, reopen the bug.