I'd like to see an easier way to switch portage's use of distcc on and off than having to change the make.conf file to add or remove distcc from the FEATURES setting. I think a good indicator is the following idiom: If the DISTCC_HOSTS environment variable is set to "localhost", then the user would like us to not use distcc for the current ebuild. This would allow the user to set DISTCC_HOSTS to some other value (or omit it to use the appropriate "hosts" config file) when other machines are up, and to just set it to "localhost" when no other machines are around. This makes it easy to write a script to handle the whole thing (without having to rewrite the make.conf file in the script). The bypassing of distcc when no remote hosts are around is entirely an efficiency issue, since distcc still runs the preprocessor twice per compile in such a case (which I'd like to avoid). I'll attach a simple patch for ebuild.sh.
Created attachment 13662 [details, diff] Change ebuild.sh to optionally bypass distcc.
FEATURES="-distcc" emerge whatever
Any objections if I close this bug ?
no objections so I'm closing this now.