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Bug 231948 - ebuilds wrongly still point to firefox 2 instead of firefox 2 or 3.
Summary: ebuilds wrongly still point to firefox 2 instead of firefox 2 or 3.
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-07-16 10:43 UTC by James
Modified: 2008-07-27 15:20 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description James 2008-07-16 10:43:21 UTC

These still rely on firefox 2, instead of firefox 2 or 3.
Suggest updating the ebuild to say:
!xulrunner? ( >=www-client/mozilla-firefox- )
instead of 
!xulrunner? ( =www-client/mozilla-firefox-2* )

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Rafał Mużyło 2008-07-16 12:00:22 UTC
Probably invalid.
When firefox 3 is built with xulrunner useflag (as preferred by upstream)
xulrunner is the correct dependency (cause that's the package that provides
required libs). I think that in the future xulrunner useflag will simply disappear from firefox ebuild, as it will always be built as xulrunner app,
now we're simply facing transition period, when some bugs and inconsistencies 
of xulrunner ebuild are being fixed (like some libs being installed twice).
Comment 2 Raúl Porcel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-16 16:58:38 UTC
What comment #1 said.
Comment 3 James 2008-07-27 09:05:32 UTC
But irrespective of whether I have the xulrunner use flag set or not, the ebuild keeps trying to downgrade to firefox 2.
For example

eix firefox
[I] www-client/mozilla-firefox
     Available versions: (~)3.0-r1 (~)3.0.1 {bindist custom-optimization dbus debug filepicker gnome iceweasel ipv6 java linguas_af linguas_ar linguas_be linguas_bg linguas_ca linguas_cs linguas_da linguas_de linguas_el linguas_en linguas_en_GB linguas_en_US linguas_es linguas_es_AR linguas_es_ES linguas_eu linguas_fi linguas_fr linguas_fy linguas_fy_NL linguas_ga linguas_ga_IE linguas_gu linguas_gu_IN linguas_he linguas_hu linguas_id linguas_it linguas_ja linguas_ka linguas_ko linguas_ku linguas_lt linguas_mk linguas_mn linguas_nb linguas_nb_NO linguas_nl linguas_nn linguas_nn_NO linguas_pa linguas_pa_IN linguas_pl linguas_pt linguas_pt_BR linguas_pt_PT linguas_ro linguas_ru linguas_si linguas_sk linguas_sl linguas_sq linguas_sr linguas_sv linguas_sv_SE linguas_tr linguas_uk linguas_zh linguas_zh_CN linguas_zh_TW mozdevelop moznopango restrict-javascript startup-notification xforms xinerama xprint xulrunner}
     Installed versions:  3.0.1(17:48:48 26/07/08)(dbus gnome ipv6 java linguas_en_GB startup-notification xulrunner -bindist -custom-optimization -iceweasel -linguas_af -linguas_ar -linguas_be -linguas_ca -linguas_cs -linguas_da -linguas_de -linguas_el -linguas_en -linguas_en_US -linguas_es -linguas_es_AR -linguas_es_ES -linguas_eu -linguas_fi -linguas_fr -linguas_fy -linguas_fy_NL -linguas_ga -linguas_ga_IE -linguas_gu -linguas_gu_IN -linguas_he -linguas_hu -linguas_id -linguas_it -linguas_ja -linguas_ka -linguas_ko -linguas_ku -linguas_lt -linguas_mk -linguas_mn -linguas_nb -linguas_nb_NO -linguas_nl -linguas_nn -linguas_nn_NO -linguas_pa -linguas_pa_IN -linguas_pl -linguas_pt -linguas_pt_BR -linguas_pt_PT -linguas_ro -linguas_ru -linguas_si -linguas_sk -linguas_sl -linguas_sq -linguas_sr -linguas_sv -linguas_sv_SE -linguas_tr -linguas_uk -linguas_zh -linguas_zh_CN -linguas_zh_TW -mozdevelop -restrict-javascript)
     Description:         Firefox Web Browser

This shows me I have the xulrunner use flag set, but an emerge -Dup world is trying to downgrade firefox:

emerge -Dup world
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc3 [2.2_rc1] 
*** Portage will stop merging at this point and reload itself,
    then resume the merge.
[ebuild     U ] net-dns/bind-tools-9.5.0_p1-r1 [9.5.0_p1] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/man-pages-3.05 [3.04] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-auth/pambase-20080723.1 [20080318] USE="-gnome-keyring% -ssh%" 
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/udev-125-r1 [124] 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/openssh-5.0_p1-r2 [5.0_p1-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/openmotif-2.3.1-r1 [2.3.1] USE="unicode%*" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.0.2 [2.0.1] 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/gtkspell-2.0.13 [2.0.11-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.10.8-r1 [0.10.8] 
[ebuild     UD] www-client/mozilla-firefox- [3.0.1] USE="-debug% -filepicker% -moznopango% -xforms% -xinerama% -xprint%" LINGUAS="-bg%" 
[ebuild     U ] media-gfx/eog-2.22.3-r1 [2.22.3] USE="exif%*" 
[ebuild     U ] media-video/transcode-1.0.6 [1.0.6_rc3] 
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/nautilus- [2.22.4] 
[ebuild     U ] net-print/cups-1.3.8 [1.3.7-r3] LINGUAS="-id%" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/wxGTK- [] 
[ebuild     U ] app-backup/bacula-2.4.1-r1 [2.4.1] 
[ebuild     U ] mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird- [] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-plugins/enigmail-0.95.6-r4 [0.95.6-r3] 
Comment 4 Rafał Mużyło 2008-07-27 09:49:04 UTC
Run it as `emerge -upVDt world` to see what is actually wrong,
but there's a pretty good chance, that either one of your packages
was emerged without xulrunner useflag
or you were hit by portage OR dependency bug
(when a package has OR dependency on firefox xulrunner (in that order),
even if the correct xulrunner is emerged, firefox is seen first
and downgrade attempt happens, if they're listed in the reverse order,
everything is OK).
Comment 5 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-27 15:20:49 UTC
As said already these ebuilds require Firefox 2. You may have the firefox use flag set globally, which has precedence over the xulrunner use flag in a number of cases iirc. Please sort this out in forums.g.o or the gentoo-user mailing list. This is not a bug.