When fontconfig (tried versions 2.5.0-r1 and 2.6.0-r2) is compiled with gcc-4.3.1 with heavy optimizations, firefox 3 and acroread-8.1.2-r2 crash with a segmentation fault. These are my usual CFLAGS that work with everything I've emerged so far, except fontconfig: CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium-m -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -mfpmath=sse,387 -ffast-math -fweb -frename-registers -ftree-vectorize" The following CFLAGS fix the problem, when used to compile fontconfig. I haven't tried all possible combinations, but instead removed flags from the right until the applications work: Safe CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium-m -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -mfpmath=sse,387" Firefox versions affected include the recent nightly builds, mozilla-firefox-bin-3.0, mozilla-firefox-3.0-r1 with and without xulrunner. This looks like bug #135632. However, previously I had compiled fontconfig-2.5.0-r1 with gcc-4.2.4 and the "heavy" CFLAGS above, with no problems. So this is probably specific to gcc-4.3.1. The emerge --info is from a Pentium M 725 machine, but the problem also applies to my other machine with a Core Duo T2300.
Created attachment 159157 [details] emerge --info
ffastmath is broken, please don't use it. Closing WONTFIX, since the bug is not on our end.
I think the solution is to filter out the CFLAG in the ebuild. -ffast-math has worked for me with everything else, and there is an established framework for filtering CFLAGS per ebuild/arch. I'll attach the new ebuild below.
Created attachment 159173 [details] Working ebuild that filters out -ffast-math