This is my system config: cat /etc/conf.d/consolefont CONSOLEFONT="Cyr_a8x16" CONSOLETRANSLATION="koi8-r_to_uni" cat /etc/conf.d/keymaps KEYMAP="-u ru" windowkeys="YES" DUMPKEYS_CHARSET="koi8-r" Portage (default-linux/amd64/2007.0, gcc-4.1.2, glibc-2.6.1-r0, 2.6.24-gentoo-r8 x86_64) In native console russian capital letters do not appear but small do when CapsLock is switched on. However when Shift holded all is ok. So there is no matter CapsLock is switched on or off. But in xterm or konsole all is goes rigth. cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru" Option "XkbVariant" ",winkeys" Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll" EndSection ... Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.switch locale (Cttl+Shift) 2.switch CapsLock 3.type a text Actual Results: текст Expected Results: ТЕКСТ English text appear as expected
Sorry for letting this bug slip through the cracks. I assume you were using xorg-server 1.3 when you opened this bug. Can you still reproduce this bug with newer versions of xorg-server and xkeyboard-config? Please don't hesitate to reopen this bug report if you can still reproduce the issue. Thanks
This bug still can be reproduced on fully updated stable branch. Note that original bug report states that problems are present only *without* X in *pure* console; in virtual terminals under X (e.g. xterm or konsole) everything works correctly.
What goes on outside X is not my area of expertise, please get in touch with the kernel team as they are the ones responsible for the text console. Thanks
I understand. In fact I don't know why this bug was assigned to the X packagers in the first place. Can you reassign this bug to the kernel team? I can't change its status.
Gladly :)
@Kernel team, this bug was mistriaged as an X bug while this is a console bug. Cheers :)
Adding base-system herd. Is this kernel or a sys-apps/kbd issue? Can you tell us what version of sys-apps/kbd you are running?
I have 1.13-r1 version of sys-apps/kbd and 2.6.30-r5 kernel (gentoo-sources). I use stable branch.
Hey there, I'd like you to - after keeping a backup of your /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ru - change "key <LatQ> { [ Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA ] };" in there, to "key <AD01> { [ Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA ] };". Do check this bug report out: Thanks :)
I guess I need to reiterate that this bug is *NOT* related to X. In X virtual terminals everything works correctly.
I'm at a loss here and don't really know where to point you to go, here. Have you had any progress on this on your own?
No. But the bug is still here on stable Gentoo with latest updates.
My suggestion is to talk to others who use the charset you do and see if they can help you troubleshoot this issue. Sorry I could not be more helpful