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Bug 223145 - coreutils (6.10-r2) blocks on util-linux (2.13), but util-linux is not even installed.
Summary: coreutils (6.10-r2) blocks on util-linux (2.13), but util-linux is not even i...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal (vote)
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-05-21 23:24 UTC by Stonie R. Cooper
Modified: 2008-05-24 23:41 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Stonie R. Cooper 2008-05-21 23:24:37 UTC
Attempting to update system:

#emerge -up --deep world
. . .
[ebuild     U ] app-text/scrollkeeper-9999 [0.3.14-r2] 
[ebuild  N    ] app-text/rarian-0.6.0-r1  USE="-debug" 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/streamtuner-0.99.99-r2 [0.12.4] USE="python%* -shout% -xiph%" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/qscintilla-2.1-r1 [1.5.1] USE="python%* qt4%* -debug% -examples%" 
[ebuild  N    ] dev-python/qscintilla-python-2.1  USE="qt4" 
[blocks B     ] <sys-apps/util-linux-2.13 (is blocking sys-apps/coreutils-6.10-r2)

After an "emerge --unmerge util-linux", I updated coreutils, and I still get the block.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.emerge -up --deep world

Actual Results:  
Calculating world dependencies... done!
[ebuild     U ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.5 [1.0.4-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] app-arch/unzip-5.52-r2 [5.52-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-util/gperf-3.0.3 [3.0.1] 
[ebuild     U ] net-libs/libgssglue-0.1-r1 [0.1] 
[ebuild     U ] app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.17 [0.1.16] 
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/alsa-headers-1.0.16 [1.0.14] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2008a [2007k] 
[ebuild     U ] app-admin/php-toolkit-1.0.1 [1.0-r2] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/device-mapper-1.02.24-r1 [1.02.22-r5] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-db/sqlite-3.5.6 [3.5.3] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/hdparm-8.6 [7.7] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-misc/remind-03.01.04 [03.00.24] USE="-tk%" 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.26-r1 [1.2.24] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.10 [2.2.9] 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libid3tag-0.15.1b-r2 [0.15.1b] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/mpfr-2.3.1 [2.3.0_p4] 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/iputils-20071127 [20070202] 
[ebuild     U ] app-portage/eix-0.10.5 [0.10.2] 
[ebuild     U ] app-shells/bash-3.2_p33 [3.2_p17-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/rsync-2.6.9-r6 [2.6.9-r5] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libksba-1.0.3 [1.0.2-r1] 
[ebuild  N    ] virtual/pager-0  
[ebuild     U ] sci-calculators/units-1.87 [1.86] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.15 [0.14] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.5-r1 [4.1.5] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.11-r1 [4.8-r5] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/com_err-1.40.8 [1.40.4] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/findutils-4.3.13 [4.3.11] 
[ebuild     U ] app-editors/nano-2.1.1 [2.0.7] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-util/dialog-1.1.20080316 [1.1.20071028] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/gdb-6.7.1-r3 [6.7.1-r2] 
[ebuild     U ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.12-r1 [1.3.12] 
[ebuild     U ] app-arch/tar-1.20 [1.19-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.20 [2.3.19-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/ss-1.40.8 [1.40.4] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/which-2.19 [2.16] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/ed-0.9 [0.8] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libIDL-0.8.10 [0.8.9] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.40.8 [1.40.4] 
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/orbit-2.14.12 [2.14.10] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/man-1.6f-r1 [1.6f] 
[ebuild     U ] app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.0.6-r1 [1.0.5] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.78 [2.76] LINGUAS="-cs% -da% -de% -es% -fr% -it% -ja% -nl% -pl% -ro% -ru% -zh_CN%" 
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/udev-119 [115-r1] 
[ebuild  NS   ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.24-r8  USE="-build -symlink" 
[ebuild     U ] app-editors/vim-core-7.1.266 [7.1.123] 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/wget-1.11.1 [1.10.2] 
[ebuild     U ] net-ftp/ftp-0.17-r7 [0.17-r6] 
[ebuild     U ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.6.3-r1 [1.5.3-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-apps/usbutils-0.73 [0.72-r4] USE="zlib%*" 
[ebuild     U ] net-libs/libpcap-0.9.8-r1 [0.9.8] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-fs/xfsprogs-2.9.7 [2.9.5] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-boot/grub-0.97-r5 [0.97-r4] USE="ncurses%*" 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.16 [1.0.14a-r1] ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="asym%* dmix%* empty%* iec958%* ioplug%* plug%* softvol%*" 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.10 [1.0.9-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/alsa-utils-1.0.16 [1.0.14] 
[ebuild     U ] net-ftp/ftpbase-0.01-r1 [0.01] 
[ebuild  N    ] virtual/postgresql-base-8.0  
[ebuild     U ] x11-terms/xterm-234 [229] 
[ebuild     U ] net-firewall/shorewall-3.4.8 [3.4.7] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/python-2.4.4-r9 [2.4.4-r6] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.31 [2.6.30-r1] USE="-examples%" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-java/java-config-2.1.6 [2.1.4] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-python/pygobject-2.14.1 [2.14.0] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-python/numpy-1.0.4-r2 [1.0.4] USE="-debug%" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-python/pymetar-0.13 [0.8] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-java/sun-jdk- [] USE="odbc%*" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.24 [1.1.22] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/cairo-1.4.14 [1.4.12] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-misc/shared-mime-info-0.23 [0.22-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.20.4 [2.20.3] 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/poppler-0.6.3 [0.6.1-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/gnome-doc-utils-0.12.1 [0.12.0] 
[ebuild     U ] net-dns/libidn-1.5-r1 [1.0-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.8-r2 [5.8.8-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r5 [5.8.8-r4] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/arts-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] net-nds/openldap-2.3.41 [2.3.39-r2] 
[ebuild     U ] app-editors/vim-7.1.266 [7.1.123] 
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12r-r8  USE="crypt nls perl -old-crypt (-selinux) -static" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-libs/libtasn1-1.3 [1.2] 
[ebuild    FU ] app-emulation/vmware-workstation- [] 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/openssh-4.7_p1-r6 [4.7_p1-r3] 
[ebuild     U ] net-libs/gnutls-2.2.5 [2.0.4] USE="-bindist%" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-db/postgresql-8.0.15 [8.0.13] USE="kerberos*" 
[ebuild     U ] app-admin/sudo-1.6.9_p13 [1.6.8_p12-r1] USE="ldap*" 
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.10_pre0-r1 [3.10_pre0] 
[ebuild     U ] media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.2.0-r1 [1.1.1-r5] USE="ogg123%*" 
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/php-5.2.6_rc4 [5.2.5_p20080206-r3] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-lang/swig-1.3.34 [1.3.31] USE="php* -R% -chicken% -clisp% -mzscheme%" 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.4.1 [2.2.1-r1] CAMERAS="-adc65% -agfa_cl20% -aox% -barbie% -canon% -casio_qv% -clicksmart310% -digigr8% -digita% -dimagev% -dimera3500% -directory% -enigma13% -fuji% -gsmart300% -hp215% -iclick% -jamcam% -jd11% -kodak_dc120% -kodak_dc210% -kodak_dc240% -kodak_dc3200% -kodak_ez200% -konica% -konica_qm150% -largan% -lg_gsm% -mars% -mustek% -panasonic_coolshot% -panasonic_dc1000% -panasonic_dc1580% -panasonic_l859% -pccam300% -pccam600% -polaroid_pdc320% -polaroid_pdc640% -polaroid_pdc700% -ptp2% -ricoh% -ricoh_g3% -samsung% -sierra% -sipix_blink% -sipix_blink2% -sipix_web2% -smal% -sonix% -sony_dscf1% -sony_dscf55% -soundvision% -spca50x% -sq905% -stv0674% -stv0680% -sx330z% -template% -toshiba_pdrm11%" 
[ebuild     U ] media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.18-r6 [1.0.18-r4] USE="-doc%" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.12.8 [2.12.5-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.5 [0.7.4-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] media-libs/libquicktime-1.0.2 [1.0.1] 
[ebuild     U ] net-www/netscape-flash- [] 
[ebuild     U ] app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.9 [2.0.7] 
[ebuild     U ] app-crypt/gpgme-1.1.6 [1.1.5] USE="-pth%" 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.9-r4 [3.5.8-r3] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5.9 [3.5.8-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeedu-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdetoys-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdewebdev-3.5.9 [3.5.8-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] net-print/cups-1.3.7-r1 [1.2.12-r4] USE="acl%* avahi%* java%* kerberos%* perl%* python%* -static% -zeroconf%" LINGUAS="-de% -en% -es% -et% -fr% -he% -it% -ja% -pl% -sv% -zh_TW%" 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdebase-3.5.9-r3 [3.5.8-r6] 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/ghostscript-esp-8.15.4-r1 [8.15.4] 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/qt-4.3.3 [4.2.3-r1] USE="accessibility* dbus* jpeg* qt3support* ssl%* tiff%* -mysql*" 
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.18.4 [2.18.3] 
[ebuild     U ] net-dns/avahi-0.6.22-r1 [0.6.19-r2] USE="ipv6%* qt4*" 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdegames-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdepim-3.5.9-r1 [3.5.7-r3] USE="-pda%" 
[ebuild     U ] gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.18.2 [2.18.1] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdenetwork-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeartwork-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeutils-3.5.9-r1 [3.5.7] USE="-snmp*" 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeadmin-3.5.9 [3.5.8] 
[ebuild  N    ] app-text/poppler-bindings-0.6.3  USE="cairo gtk qt3 qt4 -test" 
[ebuild  N    ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.3.3  USE="-debug -doc -examples" 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/a2ps-4.13c-r6 [4.13c-r5] USE="-emacs%" 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kdeaddons-3.5.9 [3.5.7] 
[ebuild  N    ] kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.9  USE="arts gphoto2 imlib opengl pdf scanner -debug -kdeenablefinal -openexr -povray -tetex -xinerama" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-misc/x11vnc-0.9.3 [0.9.2-r1] USE="avahi* jpeg*" 
[ebuild     U ] sys-auth/nss-mdns-0.10 [0.9-r1] 
[ebuild     U ] kde-base/kde-3.5.9 [3.5.7] 
[ebuild     U ] dev-python/PyQt-3.17.4 [3.17] 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.20.1-r1  USE="acl avahi hal ipv6 kerberos ssl -debug -doc -gnutls -samba" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/libgnome-  USE="esd -debug -doc" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-2.20.0  USE="X -debug -doc" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/libgnomeui-  USE="jpeg -debug -doc" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-extra/libgsf-1.14.7  USE="gnome python -bzip2 -debug -doc" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.20.0  USE="gnome zlib -debug -doc" 
[ebuild     U ] media-gfx/imagemagick- [] USE="svg%* -djvu% -fontconfig%" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.20.3  USE="-debug -doc" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/eel-2.20.0  USE="X -debug" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/nautilus-2.20.0-r1  USE="X esd gnome -beagle -debug -tracker" 
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-mount-0.6  USE="gnome -debug" 
[ebuild     U ] app-text/scrollkeeper-9999 [0.3.14-r2] 
[ebuild  N    ] app-text/rarian-0.6.0-r1  USE="-debug" 
[ebuild     U ] net-misc/streamtuner-0.99.99-r2 [0.12.4] USE="python%* -shout% -xiph%" 
[ebuild     U ] x11-libs/qscintilla-2.1-r1 [1.5.1] USE="python%* qt4%* -debug% -examples%" 
[ebuild  N    ] dev-python/qscintilla-python-2.1  USE="qt4" 
[blocks B     ] <sys-apps/util-linux-2.13 (is blocking sys-apps/coreutils-6.10-r2)

Expected Results:  
Successful update.
Comment 1 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-22 22:30:24 UTC
Stonie, please do `emerge --onehot utils-linux` making sure a version greater than 2.13 is installed, which should be the case, unless you masked it locally, before  And provide `emerge --info`, please.
Comment 2 Stonie R. Cooper 2008-05-22 22:49:40 UTC
I attempted:

emerge --oneshot util-linux

And the response:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12r-r8  USE="crypt nls perl -old-crypt (-selinux) -static" 
[blocks B     ] <sys-apps/util-linux-2.13 (is blocking sys-apps/coreutils-6.10-r2)

 * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
 * installed at the same time on the same system.

For more information about Blocked Packages, please refer to the following
section of the Gentoo Linux x86 Handbook (architecture is irrelevant):

My emerge --info

Portage (default-linux/x86/2007.0, gcc-4.1.2, glibc-2.6.1-r0, 2.6.22-gentoo-r9 i686)
System uname: 2.6.22-gentoo-r9 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.66GHz
Timestamp of tree: Wed, 21 May 2008 15:33:01 +0000
app-shells/bash:     3.2_p17-r1
dev-java/java-config: 1.3.7, 2.1.4
dev-lang/python:     2.3.5-r3, 2.4.4-r6
dev-python/pycrypto: 2.0.1-r6
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.13, 2.61-r1
sys-devel/automake:  1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6-r2, 1.10.1
sys-devel/binutils:  2.18-r1
sys-devel/gcc-config: 1.4.0-r4
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.26
virtual/os-headers:  2.6.23-r3
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/3.5/env /usr/kde/3.5/share/config /usr/kde/3.5/shutdown /usr/share/config"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/env.d /etc/env.d/java/ /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gconf /etc/php/apache2-php5/ext-active/ /etc/php/cgi-php5/ext-active/ /etc/php/cli-php5/ext-active/ /etc/revdep-rebuild /etc/terminfo /etc/udev/rules.d"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
FEATURES="distlocks metadata-transfer sandbox sfperms strict unmerge-orphans userfetch"
PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS="--recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --compress --force --whole-file --delete --stats --timeout=180 --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages"
USE="X aac acl apache2 arts avahi avi berkdb c++ cdr cli cracklib crypt cups dbus dga dri dvd dvdread encode esd f77 faac faad faad2 flash fortran gdbm gif gimp-print gimpprint gphoto2 gpm gtk gtk2 iconv imlib ipv6 isdnlog java karamba kde lapack libusb libwww mad midi mmx mod_perl motif mpeg mudflap ncurses nls nptl nptlonly objc odbc oggvorbis opengl openmp pam pcre perl php png postgres pppd python qt qt3 quicktime quotes readline reflection scanner sdl server session slang spl sse ssl tcpd tiff truetype unicode usb win32codecs x86 xorg xv zlib" ALSA_CARDS="ali5451 als4000 atiixp atiixp-modem bt87x ca0106 cmipci emu10k1 emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968 fm801 hda-intel intel8x0 intel8x0m maestro3 trident usb-audio via82xx via82xx-modem ymfpci" ALSA_PCM_PLUGINS="adpcm alaw asym copy dmix dshare dsnoop empty extplug file hooks iec958 ioplug ladspa lfloat linear meter mulaw multi null plug rate route share shm softvol" APACHE2_MODULES="authz_host dir mime dav dav_fs dav-fs php mod_php perl mod_perl" ELIBC="glibc" INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev" KERNEL="linux" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text" USERLAND="GNU" VIDEO_CARDS="apm ark chips cirrus cyrix dummy fbdev glint i128 i740 i810 imstt mach64 mga neomagic nsc nv r128 radeon rendition s3 s3virge savage siliconmotion sis sisusb tdfx tga trident tseng v4l vesa vga via vmware voodoo"
Comment 3 Bobert Tomte 2008-05-23 13:28:03 UTC
There should be more recent version of util-linux available to emerge. I guess more recent versions are locally masked on your machine. Could you have a look at the contents of the /etc/portage/package.mask file?

Also, could you try running the command:
  emerge -pv  "=sys-apps/util-linux-"
so that we can see what is blocking the latest version of util-linux?
Comment 4 Stonie R. Cooper 2008-05-23 13:53:17 UTC
Thanks for the reminder . . . my package.mask was really old.  I have since dealt with it, and now all works fine.

Comment 5 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-24 23:41:05 UTC
local problem then
Comment 6 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-05-24 23:41:22 UTC
not a bug