>>> Emerging (1 of 1) dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1 to / * Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1.tgz RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking ebuild checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking auxfile checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking miscfile checksums ;-) ... [ ok ] * checking Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1.tgz ;-) ... [ ok ] >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1.tgz to /var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/work tar: A lone zero block at 576 * Applying PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-utf8.patch ... [ ok ] >>> Source unpacked. >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/work/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1 ... >>> Source compiled. >>> Test phase [not enabled]: dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1 >>> Install PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1 into /var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/image/ category dev-php ACCESS DENIED open_wr: /usr/share/php/.lock Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /usr/share/php/.lock because Permission denied in PEAR/Registry.php on line 788 Warning: touch(): Unable to create file /usr/share/php/.lock because Permission denied in /usr/share/php/PEAR/Registry.php on line 788 Parsing of package.xml from file "/var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/work/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1/package.xml" failed Cannot download non-local package "/var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/work/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1/package.xml" Package "/var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/work/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1/package.xml" is not valid install failed * * ERROR: dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1 failed. * Call stack: * ebuild.sh, line 49: Called src_install * environment, line 2100: Called php-pear-r1_src_install * environment, line 1952: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * pear -d php_bin="${PHP_BIN}" -d www_dir="${WWW_DIR}" install --force --loose --nodeps --offline --packagingroot="${D}" "${S}/package.xml" || die "Unable to install PEAR package"; * The die message: * Unable to install PEAR package * * If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant. * A complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1/temp/environment'. * --------------------------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY --------------------------- LOG FILE = "/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-12128.log" open_wr: /usr/share/php/.lock --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The same thing happens to PEAR-Net_URL-1.0.15
same with dev-php/PEAR-File-1.3.0 (In reply to comment #1) > The same thing happens to PEAR-Net_URL-1.0.15 >
I've tried PEAR-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.1-r1 and PEAR-File-1.3.0 and both installed fine here (x86, using dev-php/pear-1.9.0) Please reopen the bug if the error persists and include your php and PEAR-PEAR version. Thanks!