When trying to install dev-perl/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.55, it would install all its perl modules into /usr/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Mail/SpamAssassin/ instead of /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Mail/SpamAssassin/. Please note that I've just rsync'ed (2003-05-31 19:55 CEST). If you need any other information please let me know.
I can't reproduce this. rac, seemant: is it possible for the perl-module eclass to be responsible for blizzy's issue?
This sounds reminiscent of a 5.6.1-r8/r9-era MakeMaker bug. Can you try either upgrading perl itself to 5.8 or remerging ExtUtils-MakeMaker? There were versions of the perl ebuild that had a core version of MakeMaker that put things in the wrong place.
Err, actually SpamAssassin was working fine on this box until I've updated it a few days ago. I don't remember updating perl or ExtUtils-MakeMaker, though.
I've remerged perl and ExtUtils-MakeMaker now, then remerged Mail-SpamAssassin. That did the trick.