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Bug 21882 - request: install client libs only for e.g. database servers like mysql, postgresql
Summary: request: install client libs only for e.g. database servers like mysql, postg...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Development (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: PgSQL Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-05-29 04:54 UTC by Michael Kefeder
Modified: 2007-09-22 23:12 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Michael Kefeder 2003-05-29 04:54:44 UTC
I am writing software that connects to mysql and/or postgres. When i used redhat i 
was able to install the needed C headers and libs w/o installing the full database on 
my development machine. The databases are running on a separate test-database 
server machine, so it's kind of useless to install a full mysql db on the client when it is 
never used (especially when i install my software to many client machines). 
I'd like to suggest a standard way of installing client only libs for databases or other 
software that has a client and server part (e.g. subversion). It could be a new USE flag 
called 'clientonly' or something similar. 
USE="clientonly perl python" emerge mysql 
would install just the client libs and language bindings for perl and python to connect 
to mysql databases. What do you think about that? I think it is quite useful especially 
when a company has many client machines that need access to a db server... 
I haven't found a way how to build "client libs only" on gentoo, maybe i missed 
something obvious or documented - if so please tell me. 
thanks in advance for your thoughts 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Donny Davies (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-06-03 12:47:03 UTC
i have as the sole maintainer on mysql in the past (thankfully i have
help these days, bases are more covered, finally...) flat-out rejected
this because there are surely tonnes of ebuilds this schema can be
applied to.

further, it makes no sense to stop with clientonly.  what about -doc,
-devel, -lib, -server, -client, etc, etc, etc.  further, making this
into a USE flag is complete nonsense as USE flags are for OPTIONAL
BUILD-TIME FUNCTIONALITY, they are not meant as an arbitrary way
to carve up a package into subpackages.

Sorry, bubba, but you really havent put hardly ANY thought into this
at all.  However, I think your END GOAL is noble and worthy.

Why not start a crusade to have subpackages support in portage properly?
Then all the ebuilds in the tree could start defining subpackages,
dependencies could be updated to depend on subpackage components, etc.

Comment 2 Michael Kefeder 2003-06-04 12:05:13 UTC
First of all - the clientonly flag idea is not from me, its origin is from a discussion about client only features for subversion (see and came from  Patrick Kursawe, and he seems to be quite involved in gentoo. At that time i didn't know that there's no sub-package support in gentoo and i was told that using that extra flag could be a way of solving it. That's why i reused that idea for the database server ebuilds...
You are right that this shouldn't stop at "client only" packages and it's a bad idea to add this feature to the use-flags. So it's time to start a crusade for subpackage support in portage, as you said...
If someone could please close that bug? I'm going to rephrase the issue to a request for subpackages and file a new "bug", if that request doesn't exist already.
Comment 3 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2003-06-04 19:55:47 UTC
Post the new bug # here once you have created it, and I will close this bug then (I'm just doing this to keep track of the overall issue).
Comment 4 Michael Kefeder 2003-06-05 04:29:16 UTC
ok, here you go: it's bug #22219
Comment 5 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2003-06-05 10:46:05 UTC
Closing as per user request. See the new bug instead. #22219.