Version bump request for asterisk-chan_misdn-0.3.1_rc36.ebuild (voip overlay). Also requesting 0.3.1 to go to official portage tree because of bug in "Local" channels. Eg.: with 0.3.0, if I receive a call via misdn to a queue and queue members are of type Local/* then TRANSFERS to other extensions will not work properly (callee will hear caller but caller will keep hearing the ring tone indefinitely). With 0.3.1, Local/* queue transfers work fine. Using Asterisk 1.2.27. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 150513 [details, diff] asterisk-chan_misdn-0.3.1_rc36.ebuild.diff The -fPIC stuff is optional (?) but it eliminates the TEXTREL warnings on x86 systems.
CC'ing voip since this package is also in the voip overlay.