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Bug 21873 - deep overrides upgradeonly
Summary: deep overrides upgradeonly
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Unclassified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Portage team
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-05-28 23:20 UTC by Scott Taylor (RETIRED)
Modified: 2011-10-30 22:19 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Scott Taylor (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-28 23:20:05 UTC
Having been burned by portage downgrading me once before, anything that
overrides --upgradeonly concerns me. In fact, i'd set add a "never-downgrade"
flag in my make.conf if i could...

Gentoo root # emerge --version
Portage 2.0.48 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r1)
Gentoo root # emerge -Up world
>>> --upgradeonly implies --update... adding --update to options.
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/vim-core-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/gvim-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
[ebuild    U ] media-libs/libdvdnav-0.1.7 [0.1.3]
[ebuild    U ] dev-util/cvs-1.11.6 [1.11.5-r1]
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/vim-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
Gentoo root # emerge -Up --deep world
>>> --upgradeonly implies --update... adding --update to options.
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild    UD] gnome-extra/libgtkhtml-2.3.1 [2.3.2]
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/vim-core-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/gvim-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
[ebuild    U ] media-libs/libdvdnav-0.1.7 [0.1.3]
[ebuild    U ] dev-util/cvs-1.11.6 [1.11.5-r1]
[ebuild    UD] media-libs/xine-lib-0.9.13-r3 [1_beta12]
[ebuild    U ] app-editors/vim-6.2_pre6-r1 [6.2_pre6]
Comment 1 Cletus Lichte 2003-06-07 21:15:29 UTC
I too have the same problem.  I did and emerge --deep -u system and it upgraded python ( among others ) and then when I typed emerge --deep -vup world, it says that it will downgrade python after it has just upgraded it.  emerge --deep -U world does the same thing.
Comment 2 Jesse Adelman 2003-07-19 14:48:57 UTC
Same here, different packages - this time Gaim.

homeserver root # emerge -pUD world
>>> --upgradeonly implies --update... adding --update to options.
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:
Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[ebuild    UD] net-im/gaim-0.63-r1 [0.64-r1]
[ebuild    U ] app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r1 [8.0]
[ebuild  N   ] net-mail/evolution-1.2.4
[ebuild    U ] gnome-extra/gal-1.99.8 [1.99.7]
[ebuild    U ] gnome-extra/libgtkhtml-3.0.7 [3.0.5]
[ebuild    U ] net-analyzer/nessus-core-2.0.6a-r1 [2.0.6a]
[ebuild    U ] net-analyzer/nessus-2.0.6a-r1 [2.0.6a]
Comment 3 Masatomo Nakano (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-03 15:48:49 UTC
This bug would be fixed by #4698 patch
Comment 4 Radek Podgorny 2004-01-28 10:15:18 UTC
Is this solved now? Seems like it's not to me... :-(

Can someone, please, take a look at this issue since it's really annoying and renders the --upgradeonly argument half-useles...

Comment 5 TGL 2004-01-28 13:51:36 UTC
I don't know if this have already been discussed, but I wonder if there is a need for "--upgradeonly" for portage 2.0.50: so far, people have been using this when mixing arch & ~arch packages, so that world updates don't downgrade there ~arch stuff. Imho, but I may not have seen others benefits of this option, it was only an ugly workaround to the lack of package.keywords file. So now that there is a package.keywords, what is the point of keeping this option?
Comment 6 Radek Podgorny 2004-01-28 14:30:42 UTC
package.keywords? What is it? Where can I get more info, please?

Comment 7 TGL 2004-01-29 04:07:51 UTC
That is (will be) a new feature of portage-2.0.50. The manpage describes it better than I can:

	     Per  package  KEYWORDS.  Useful for mixing unstable pack-
	     ages in with a normally stable  machine  or  vice	versa.
	     This will allow you to override ACCEPT_KEYWORDS.
	     - comments begin with #
	     - one DEPEND atom per line followed by the KEYWORDS
	     # always use unstable libgd
	     media-libs/libgd ~x86
	     # only use stable mplayer
	     media-video/mplayer x86

So if you declare there that a package should be ~arch, you don't need -U anymore to prevent downgrading it on world update.
Comment 8 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-03 12:41:19 UTC
-U is deprecated in 2.0.51 and is a candidate for removal in later versions
Comment 9 Ralph Hartley 2004-08-30 12:55:33 UTC
> So if you declare there that a package
> should be ~arch, you don't need -U anymore
> to prevent downgrading it on world update.

I don't understand. Is the current version being masked the *only* reason portage would want to downgrade a package? Apparently not, since I have packages  that want to downgrade (when I "emerge -D -u -p world"), but none of the versions appear to be masked.

If not, is there a simple way to find out *why* it wants to downgrade a particular package?
Comment 10 Jason Stubbs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-31 16:37:18 UTC
Some packages require a version of another package that is not the latest. "emerge --tree" will usually be able to show you what requires the downgrade.
Comment 11 Ralph Hartley 2004-09-01 06:32:04 UTC
> Some packages require a version of another
> package that is not the latest.

It was a semi-retorical question.

My point was that package.keywords in no way eliminates the need for --upgradeonly, but everything I have read seems to indicate that everyone thinks that it does.